
  • Paul

    Job Posting
    Los Angeles, CA

    Imaginary Forces is seeking a Flash Designer/Animator for a contract position. Begins this Friday April 9th, in Los Angeles for approximately 2-3 weeks. Must be willing to work on-s…

    Apr 8, 040 replies
  • Paul

    Stylo Design communicates their client's vision by employing clear creative thinking. They're motivated by concepts and their creative and technical application to provide the correct solution…

    Apr 7, 040 replies
  • Paul

    I usually avoid promoting anything except design here. But California schools, along with many other schools around the states are hurting. My oldest son's second grade class doesn't even have t…

    Apr 6, 040 replies
  • Paul

    I am Passionately Uncool

    There are times when I wish I were a hip architect, wearing a black suit and a pair of designer glasse…

    Apr 6, 040 replies
  • Paul

    Issey Miyake

    If only I had hair like the models. Roaming the jungles of the fashion runways. It …

    Apr 6, 040 replies
  • Paul

    Talking to Myself: Designing vs. Design

    There appears to be a strong assumption in this that clients might not want their desig…

    Apr 5, 040 replies
  • Paul

    The Firefly Man
    A dying man relives a past nightmare and reunites with lost loved ones in this unique short that combines sophist…

    Apr 5, 040 replies
  • Paul

    Templin Brink Design is the imaginative collaboration of Joel Templin and Gaby Brink.

    T.B.D. has a portfolio that deserves sev…

    Apr 2, 040 replies
  • Paul

    What Planet Are You From?
    Print designers are from Venus, web designers are from Mars (and motion graphic designers are from Merc…

    Apr 1, 040 replies
  • Paul

    Rigsby Design is known for creating, intelligent corporate communications. So when they decided to redesign their site, it reflect…

    Apr 1, 040 replies
  • Paul

    Looks like Mr. Owens is trying to sneek a new season in on us. With a new format, more furry woodland creatures, my favorite are the deer antlers and a little southern comfort to kick in…

    Mar 31, 040 replies
  • Paul

    Every once and awhile...more like a lot. Björk creates something absolutely brilliant. Here's another one from the genius and slightly bent LynnFox.

    <a href="…

    Mar 31, 040 replies
  • Paul

    N-GAGE Sweepstakes

    This new promo site from NOKIA, developed by UPSO and Mr. Davis is a fresh and interesting approach. Using f…

    Mar 30, 040 replies
  • Paul

    If you haven't seen the amazing work of Scott Hansen, like I hadn't. Then inspire yourself with his raw talent.

    His illustrations, color palette and type is true and unique…

    Mar 26, 040 replies
  • Paul

    Are you getting paid what you're worth? Are you getting paid too much? Find out here.

    Design Salaries '04

    Mar 24, 040 replies
  • Paul

    Juxt Interactive launches two new projects.

    Hardee's Low Carb ThickBurger
    So what does Goldie Locks and the Three Bears have in common with burgers?

    <a href="…

    Mar 24, 040 replies
  • Paul

    Access_cleared for entry....

    WOW! This is top notch for Burton. A creepy basement site. Beautiful photo on the home page. The secret agent concept is great.

    Thanks <a…

    Mar 23, 040 replies
  • Paul

    Neutron LLC builds brands. They outline it in a very straight-forward approach with a clean and intuitive layout, classic typograp…

    Mar 22, 040 replies
  • Paul

    Sean Kennedy Santos Fotographie is an absolutely splendid site. Layout, navigation, typography and don't forget the work itself.

    Mar 22, 040 replies
  • Paul

    Patrick Phegley opens himself up to your thoughts and shares his. Submit your photography and he may use it for his landing page. …

    Mar 19, 040 replies