- PonyBoy
tap that...
... the Gulf!
- PonyBoy
NT Time Stamps
is it me... or are they off by a half hour for everyone else to?
(not that it matters... just an useless observation)
- PonyBoy
'snub' enough?
Ah yes... the ex-client 'threatening' legal action...
... long story... i'm not going to go into it...
but... I want to know…
- PonyBoy
bosox vs. yanks
gametime in 5 minutes!!!!
- PonyBoy
flash xml cdata
I've been trying forever to get flash to parse a peice of xml with cdata in some of the tags so I can read the text as 'html' when…
- PonyBoy
fresh punk...…
hahahaha... I love the opening of this video...
... it gets sorta borin…
- PonyBoy
time killers
besides NT... what do you do on the web that eats up all your time... (and besides porn, dinky)...
... i can't stop playing che…
- PonyBoy
Flirty Navarro…
he's Dave N... he can flirt w/whoever he wants.... le…
- PonyBoy
Brandon Bird
site: couple of my favorites:
'No one wants to play Sega with Harrison Ford'
- PonyBoy
parents of designers
do any of you (designers) have parents that are absolutely clueless as to what you do?... even though you've been doing it for 10…
- PonyBoy
walk-off Papi
Ortiz just did it again...
... AGAIN!!!!
- PonyBoy
//not cool! stop!
calm down you silly, lady... the kids at home loved it. :)
- PonyBoy
'getting proper'
what does that statement mean to you?...
'getting proper'
any quirky clever lil static visual conepts enter your head?