- Spookytim
Music Machine
I've searched and can't see that this has been posted before but APOLOGIES if I'm wrong and hit me with a timeline if you wish.
- Spookytim
Nice n Sleazy
Does it every time....
Sorry, I'm on a bit of Stranglers tip today and just found…
- Spookytim
Negotiating fees
Me, "20k"
Client, "Can you do it for 6?"
- Spookytim
I have strange impulses. I'd love to run across the open area at Victoria trains tation, dressed as a business man with a breifcas…
- Spookytim
Just the facts please
Please, just stick to the facts...
- Spookytim
On a lighter note...
Suicide, racism, propellor face, global economic crisis, it all seems very depressing on QBN today. Someone thinks this is what I …
- Spookytim
Branding Question...
Meant to post this and keep forgetting. I wonder what general opinion is on this and I'll really try to keep it breif...
In the…
- Spookytim
Quik Web Elp Needed...
Can anyone tell me how I can make a section on my website have a password access so that I can put some visuals on there for my cl…
- Spookytim
Star Wars Knoweldge Help....
Not the four legged At-Ats... what are the TWO legged armoured transporters called that run alongside the At-Ats on hoth and I thi…
- Spookytim
Pet Hates Volume 01
I hate it when I'm hand-rendering a delicate and complex piece of hand drawn lettering and I look at it for a moment and find that…
- Spookytim
Attn: Detritus
... nothing here. Emptyness.
Then, from the furthest point of your visual field, a tiny fleck, dark against the white, vibratin…
- Spookytim
MacMail Fwushtwayshuns
My Macmail app wont let me re-look at messages in my sent folder. It gives me a mesage saying the email hasn't been downloaded fro…
- Spookytim
Where is Vague?
Was Vague got Culled?
- Spookytim
What I am doing today
Currently I am drawing a wolf, hair by hair.
I'm drawing a wolf one hair at a time for a book cover. I already did one wolf, bu…
- Spookytim
Useful Creativity Analogies
I sometimes think of useful analogies to offer clients to explain the process of developing complex illustration. Mainly this is b…
- Spookytim
Kill me first...
(I haven't gone yet... I just wanted to say...)
Way back in 2005 Mother Advertising asked me to do some ... and I gag even just…