- AD13
Bucket list!
Bucket list!
- LovelyPackage
This talented group of Greeks are producing hit after hit.
Hella Kady
New Site Design for singer Kady Z by Gavin Taylor ( www.gavintaylor.u... ) with photography by Sheryl Nields. Take a peek.
- splendid
Celebrating an un-design legend
note on the RAF roundel. Functional graphics crossed over into pop culture
- sr_rosa
“Connecting the dots”
I have true passion for design. And it all started with the web. To be honest, with (Macromedia by then) Flash®.
- stoprev
CLAUDIA SCHULZ hat collection photographed by Trevor Brady
- splendid
Folio updates
Like it says
- Fizik
NY Train Project
the underground tilework and signs of the MTA
- Tyler
Ala Champ Magazine
Ala CHAMP Magazine is an ever-relevant graphic and image-based journal & magazine created to inform and inspire.
- RDarnell
Openings at ENVOY
18 openings in Design, Development, Makers & Storytellers, Business & Client Services depts - or create your own title...
- detritus
London Art Workshop
Woodworkers for the creative industries, based in Hackney, east London.
- detritus
Laser cutting and engraving in London
- pixeltwins
Top Chef Knork 20pc
The Top Chef Knork 20 piece packaging I designed combines the Top Chef colors with Knork‘s minimal style.
- karj
Pace Yourself
Proposing a simple approach for producing creative work.
- nephronim
Our Startup schooling is broken
To all university clubs, organizations, and programs trying to teach entrepreneurship to students and struggling.
- pepe
Nike Magista by Laundry!
New 3d animation work we did for NikeID and their new Magista soccer boot.
- dasmuse
Opus Theorem font
New work, Opus Theorem.
- autonoma
Just launched a new Hoefler & Co. site that uses typographic art as interface.
- AD13
10 Innovative Startups To Watch In 2014
Entrepreneurs go through cash crunches and sleepless night to build a product. Here is our list of Startups to Watch in 2014.