- Jamesp0p
How I gamified Instagram
Find out how I went about disrupting the flow of Instagram and turned it into a platform game, not to mention how I took advantage…
- stoprev
Plastik / Trevor Brady
This fashion story for 1968 magazine by Trevor Brady
- Jamesp0p
Check out my latest illustration project for the Soccerbible based on the coach/manager Pep Guardiola.
- stefanvdg
What your cat thinks.
An app that knows what your cat is thinking ... no really.
- Scene360
From Taboo to Mainstream: Tattoo Art in Illustration, Ceramics...
As tattoos transition from a once taboo practice into one that’s socially acceptable, artists are implementing elements of this ti…
- Anders
people in prison drawing people who should be
"For over a year, we asked people in prison to paint or draw people we felt should be in prison–the CEOs of companies destroying o…
- mrpt
Nicola Yeoman
The work of Nicola Yeoman is a mix of sculpture, styling and set design.
- sr_rosa
The secret of brand design for businesses
A guide for newbies to start dealing with branding and design
- insomnie
Design Hunt 2.0
Version 2
- Jamesp0p
Sunglow Mixtape
Start your Monday right and plug in to my latest Mixtape - Sunglow. Packed full of tunes to keep you or your studio crafting away …
- mrpt
Graphic Means
A History of Graphic Design Production.
- Tyler
Will Robson-Scott
Will R-S is a London born photographer and director based between London and New York and anywhere else you want to send him.
- Scene360
From Films to Books: Double-Exposure Illustrations by Levente Szabó
Illustrator Levente Szabó to create five cover artworks depicting the nominees in “Best Film” category for BAFTA's 2016 brochure.
- sr_rosa
The unbearable lightness of being me
That post is pure narcissism.
Also with that title I've unblocked all pedantry achievements.
- -kappa-
Kerby Rosanes Illustrator based in Manila
Some serious talent.
- sr_rosa
When he woke up, the dinosaur was never there
Have you ever been blocked on @Medium? I had, and I wrote about it