- ben98
What did I miss
Hi. What did I miss in here in the last 3 years?
- islandbridge
Random acts of kindness.
Share em if you got em. They make us all perceive the world a bit lighter.
Yesterday entering a store a kid around 6 year old
- bainbridge
Best vacations you've been on....
Locations, hotels, discuss for a bucket list....
- nylon
Affiliate Marketing
Anyone doing this?
Anyone actually making money?
Looks like a lot of effort for zero reward.
- canoe
FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023
Spain and Japan are looking strong!
- ShulaDon92
Shula TV
Enjoy, losers.
- crazyprick
What the fuck.
- bainbridge
What does an average week look like to you?
- bainbridge
Trouble sleeping?
I have trouble sleeping lately.
I've been waking up at 4am or 6am every day.I go to bed around midnight and don't need to ge…
- Continuity
Happy birthday, old man!
- CyBrainX
AI Developer job posting
I wonder what prompted this. https://lindemanassociates.apply…
- autoflavour
Lomo Instant Glass
Any one got one? I impulsed purchased one yesterday and curious on your thoughts.
- Continuity
The prodigal son returns. Welcome back!
- BuddhaHat
Threads by Meta
Looks better than Twitter.
- CyBrainX
Leia Pix 3D/AI Platform
This can convert captured images into 3D with this system based on AI with hardware, software and online community.
- faxion
Children's book
As some may have already seen, I decided to pick up an old unfinished project. A children's picture book my wife wrote some time a…
- bainbridge
I'm going to Tokyo. On a semi-budget.
Where should I stay? Harajuku?
I'm just going to roam the streets for a week. I welcom…
- canoe
The Rave Thread
If you're going to believe in something. Why not believe in me?