- benfal99 - Tshirts printing…
I need to print some t shirts, like, 2 or 3.. Have you ever used htt…
- benfal99
RSS icon in adress bar…
How can my blog show the RSS icon in the adress bar like this? I can't find out how.
- benfal99
Live typography
Cool stuff there :… (scroll down to see video of it)
- benfal99
Car of the futur
sorry to post a non-design oriented thread (oh oh)
Pontiac's car of the futur made in 1989.Plastic plastic plastic
- benfal99
RSS feeds question :
iam wondering, when you read the news of a specific website in a RSS reader, does it count in the traffic statistics of that websi…
- benfal99
scooter C3
Iam thinking to maybe possibly buy this scooter next spring... Shoud I ? Is it a good choice ? What do you think? I dont know shit…
- benfal99
Pic of the day - DESIGN
Ok, iam starting this new thread where we can post images design oriented... Its weird to post design stuff in the Pic Of The Day …
- benfal99
Alice in wonderland Syndrome
How funny. I discovered yesterday that I was suffering from this when I was a kid. And you? Does it ring a bell?
- benfal99
Speakers for computer
Anyone here own them :…Is it good? I need to change my old Son…
- benfal99
Kid on drugs
Its too funny, i need to share :
"He just went to the dentist and he's messed …
- benfal99
! Font ID !
Iam on a job right now and really need to identify that font.…
- benfal99
WiFi Connections
How many WiFi connections can you see at yout home?
When Iam my living room I got 9 connections and in the back of the house 14…
- benfal99
I just received an email telling me that Iam gonna die and/or have a lot of problem …
- benfal99
Blog + Ad = ? , $
Hey guys!
I own the blog its a website about indie music. I got an average of 11,000 visitors each month.N…
- benfal99
Netdiver BOTY08
Best web site of the year from Netdiver. Inspirations start here:…