- bjladams
i was just asked to save a file back to Illustrator 6. that made me smile.
that is all.
- bjladams
music collection
i just sold my music collection.
i lost my hearing back in may- so figured i dont really need the music any more... yet there wer…
- bjladams
Favorite Kids Books
i have small people- and we spend a lot of time reading and visiting the library. there are a lot of really really dumb ones out …
- bjladams
local news sites
anybody got a good hometown news website,
mine is -but nothing special about it.
- bjladams
ben j adams - some of my stuff
finally got around to putting it up online.
not a blog, not spam - just pictures.
- bjladams
character crit
working on a character for what will be an online pipe/tobacco educational service...
the basis for the character is an ivy leag…
- bjladams
hipsta barista
we've started the design process for a coffee bar. one of the employees seems to think that his opinion is the only one that has …
- bjladams
very very established.
a client just asked for an established date to be added to a logo that we're working on for them-
it doesnt really bother me- th…
- bjladams
vendor fell thru.
guy i know wants to be a vinyl cutter.
i have a job requiring a truck to letter so i sent him the specs 3 weeks ago and placed th…
- bjladams
my evil knievel
he totally jumped that stair at full speed- his brother (standing in the background) cheering him on. he's only 1, and this is hi…
- bjladams
wulffmorgenthaler site down
but a great page anyway
- bjladams
dictation software?
i have recently lost my hearing and am trying to find some good dictation software (you talk it types)- tried dragon, but it seems…
- bjladams
the village
relaunch of our site
- bjladams
tshirt monopoly
tshirt monopoly