- brains
What have I missed?
After quitting my job and going freelance, I've been busy. Drinking a lot of wine. Getting contracts, going out for dinner, walkin…
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My Last Day
Yep, quit my day job. This is my last day, onward to freelance! Not a day too soon either, we're getting mad busy in the freelance…
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are you really that stupified?
Well!? Are you!?
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Rich Black
Hmph. Well, I hate running shit through a print broker, as it seems the simplest of questions seem to get lost in translation, but…
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Quick InDesign Q
Hey guuuys,
I've hit google quickly, but I know you'll all be able to answer this much quicker.
I have a document set up i…
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Does anyone still use cashews?…
A wonderful nut indeed.
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Fashion Logos
Does anyone have moamoa's fashion logo set gif? Could use it right now!
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Tweetus Christ
Alright, on twitter, who is tweetus christ? I swear it must be somebody here, because soon after I posted the Shenis, it popped up…
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Weird iStock images
On my quest for normal, boring, corporate clean images on istock, I seem to come across some really odd ones. I'm going to post th…
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Yayhooray Invites
Who wants one? I have 4.
Not exactly a hot commodity, but whatever. Trade me for something if you can.
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Bands with Logos
So, I know there have been threads touching on this in the past, but does anyone know any bands that successfully pull this off?
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I desperately need...
Yes, I know, plead for a font, and it won't happen. But honestly, I really really need helvetica bold. That's all, just helvetica …
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Best 11x17 Scanners