
  • chedda

    Gmail invites...

    any out there?

    Oct 20, 049 replies
  • chedda

    dreamweaver Q

    is there a simple way to make a rollover sound in dreamweaver? i try it in behaviours but it opens up a new window to play it. all…

    Aug 30, 043 replies
  • chedda

    new addy app

    i need a new address app that uses .vcf files that i can transfer to my ipod,

    any recommendations for alternative address apps …

    Jun 18, 042 replies
  • chedda

    OSX address book

    my address book has completely crapped out on me. just decided not to open, says its open but nothing comes up.

    is there anyway…

    Jun 16, 0418 replies
  • chedda

    .ram & GoliveCS

    why is it every time i download a .ram file it opens in Golive CS instead of playing...can't find where to turn the preference off…

    Apr 27, 049 replies
  • chedda

    font library

    any one heard of the library fontology??

    if so, where i could find it!? deperately looking for the font "expressa"

    thanks in…

    Jan 4, 041 replies
  • chedda

    mounting .img

    anyway i can force an .img to mount?

    i think the file may be corrupt, just wondering if i could force it open some how to salva…

    Jan 4, 041 replies
  • chedda

    font app OSX

    just wondering what people were using out there.

    been using the font book that came with panther, and heard suitcase X1 isn't t…

    Dec 31, 030 replies
  • chedda

    safari & panther

    anybody have problems with the safari installer recognizing a destination volume....says my system can't use safari software, i'm …

    Dec 16, 034 replies
  • chedda

    creative suite...

    how do you save back to an older version of illustrator/photo... when using creative suite?

    ...can you??

    thanks in advance.

    Dec 4, 033 replies
  • chedda

    cleaning ipod

    i'm an old school 5gig user. a bit of dirt got behind the scroll wheel as i'm sure it has for some of you. anyone fellow owners ha…

    Nov 9, 033 replies
  • chedda

    logo in email signature

    does anyone have any information on how to encode a companys logo beside thier contact info at the end of thier emails, a jpeg or …

    Nov 7, 034 replies
  • chedda

    browser icon

    i'm looking to put a small icon beside the spot where you type the address (where the @ symbol is now) i've seen an extension .ico…

    Oct 25, 032 replies
  • chedda


    have any of you had any problems using fetch with your mac. tried versions 4 up to 4.0.3 and still get the same error that it won…

    Oct 21, 033 replies