
  • chibasan

    cool bars in SF

    transplant from NYC to SF. is it me or are all the bars in this town lame? someone know some chill tasty watering holes? thanks…

    May 16, 037 replies
  • chibasan

    ae output

    could one bring in a video to after effects as a .mov and export as an mpeg? thanks peoples.

    May 9, 037 replies
  • chibasan

    HUGE png's

    hey kids. lseeing if anyone has any advise as to how to get the size of a png down. need the image to have a transparent backgro…

    Apr 23, 035 replies
  • chibasan

    ill help

    kids, i f'ed up and outlined my fonts before i should have. is there any way to undo outlined fonts in illy 10? i' did this the …

    Apr 7, 036 replies
  • chibasan

    vidding vids

    having a party tomorrow night and got my friends projector. does any one have any smooth scripting for fresh effects that i could…

    Mar 21, 031 replies
  • chibasan

    AE PLUG-IN ?

    anybody know a good alternative to "digieffects cinelook" plug-in for ae? doesn't look like they have an osx version yet. thank…

    Feb 27, 030 replies
  • chibasan

    AE masking issue

    again, this is my first time using AE.

    tweening object into mask. invisible to visible (add). can't get the mask to stay pu…

    Feb 11, 031 replies
  • chibasan


    first time using AE.

    imported psd layers. type is not very clean. can you only import at 72 dpi?

    any help would be app…

    Feb 11, 032 replies