
  • chossy

    Monitor setup

    I have come back form holiday and my less than clever boss has completely fucked up one of my suites monitoring.

    It used to be …

    May 2, 068 replies
  • chossy


    Happy birthday to me!!! :D

    Apr 28, 0627 replies
  • chossy


    Any way of finding out how much web space you have available?. I requested an increase in webspace but I want to know if I have it…

    Apr 26, 060 replies
  • chossy

    Funky sheep...

    This morning on my route to work, I glanced to my left as something caught my attention and I saw a sheep sprinting around a field…

    Apr 26, 064 replies
  • chossy

    aight :D

    Enjoy me like I enjoy you.

    Apr 25, 069 replies
  • chossy


    Kona and dobs, ever cease fire?
    can a man ever drink too much?
    and when you hug a girl and you get a wee stawnner on do they fee…

    Apr 19, 0639 replies
  • chossy


    Could you lovely people settle a discussion please.

    Cars designed for use on the roads in Britain are designed so that if you f…

    Apr 18, 0626 replies
  • chossy

    deja vu!

    wholly crap, I am sure all these threads have been here before and my responses etc. :/

    I'm off see ya I'm no coming back for a…

    Apr 10, 063 replies
  • chossy

    Bad Work


    So this is the second ad. I have made that is utter shite, I'm not showing youse it so dinnae ask.
    What I want to say is I…

    Mar 28, 0617 replies
  • chossy


    Is it css that makes sites load horribly like as if the pictures are sort of streched in, whatever it is has to stop it's horrible…

    Mar 21, 0615 replies
  • chossy


    If I was a black rapper I would be Little john 'YEAAAAHHHSSSSSSS...

    Mar 20, 0638 replies
  • chossy

    DVD studio pro

    I am wondering if you could help me out please....

    I have an end jump to a chapter in my track but everytime it jumps I get a f…

    Mar 1, 061 replies
  • chossy

    First Day

    Back at work on Monday and as I leave at 1am I see a man getting a blowjob from a prostitute sitting on the bonnet of my car :O, w…

    Mar 1, 0632 replies
  • chossy

    A girl

    At work said why don't you ever actually try to meet women or even act like you care about it?. She then said you could make a gir…

    Feb 14, 0670 replies
  • chossy

    Today I made

    a big mistake and recorded over a minute of someones program, it's unlikely that I can fix it :\ there will be hell to pay I may e…

    Feb 9, 0677 replies
  • chossy


    I would love it if someone could post a link to the cartoons a guy / girl does, that is one page with all the links in text below…

    Feb 7, 062 replies
  • chossy


    I have fifteen 5-12 year olds coming into my work next thursday for the day and I have to look after them :D, it's going to be cla…

    Feb 1, 0645 replies
  • chossy

    So last night

    I got drunk as a send off, for me hopefully never drinking again, :\
    I have a genetic dissorder with my liver and stuff , which m…

    Jan 30, 0613 replies
  • chossy


    is alive I'm meeting him for drinks. Does anybody want me to give him a wedgie?.

    Jan 27, 0627 replies
  • chossy

    no herms

    allowed in this thread.

    Jan 26, 063 replies