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Graphic Laundry
Graphic design from Stockholm.
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Multistorey has a new portfolio online.
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The Softlightes - Heart Made Of Sound
Stop motion typography.
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out-of-paper is Brussels-based designer Anthony Franklin
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Nice updates at Zip Design
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A Practise For Everyday Life updates.
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Studio8 Design from London have put their portfolio online. Well worth a visit!
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Sanderson Bob presents "Shapes 02" a new selection of works.
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A little film on typography by Boca & Ryan Uhrich.
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The Font Clock is a 21st century take on the British 24 hour clock design icon.
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Brice Domingues from Marseilles reports a new portfolio version.
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Get your bespoke murals at
Surface View™
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"No one belongs here
more than you"
Stories by Miranda July
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Forever Studio
Former +plus design.
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Adam Mufti
London-based filmmaker.
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Thinking for a Living is a collection of resources that illustrates the wide variety of tools modern designers have at their dispo…