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If you're in London, Matt Pyke speaks about his work at Apple Store 7:00pm tonight.
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The Art of Type
Panel discussion about type including Typographica.
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Interior Designers & ArchitectsNew site from Engage + MadeThought.
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Sandberg & Timonen
Concept & Art Direction
from Stockholm.
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The radical architecture of little magazines 196x–197xCheers elms
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Crescent Lodge recently launched a new portfolio site.
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The world of illustrator March Castle
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SEA Design
just launched their new site.
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Eat Sleep Work Play
is Zamir Antonio & Antoine Choussat.
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Via the PBS:
William HallCheers Phatlee
ThereCheers forcetwelve
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ProductOfGod, the online gallery run by Big Active now has prints from Genevieve Gauckler, Kam Tang and Jasper Goodall among other…
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Stockholm Design Lab
Science, more or less disguised
within Design, Architecture and Communication. (Brand new site)
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Design Project
Graphic design from Leeds.
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We Are Group
Creative direction, graphic design
and branding.
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Browns Design
just launched their new site.
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Whitenoise builds brands from
Los Angeles.
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Opening tomorrow:
Alan Fletcher
50 Years of Graphic Work (and Play).
At the Design Museum in London.
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Sanderson Bob has a brand new site.
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GVA Studio is a consulting agency in design and communication based in Geneva.