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Duke Nukem Forever
So, this game might finally see the light...…
Keep an eye on this stream if you are inte…
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Compare PC vs Mac…
"If you use Apple's productivity suite, sharing files with PC…
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new Apple stuff
New iMacs: stand-alone trackpad:…
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QBN Chrome extension
jaylarson at the QBN iPhone app thread suggested a feature to directly report spammers with a simple touch of a button, so I thoug…
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Old Spice responses…
They have uploaded like 30 video responses to youtube or twitter …
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A quick look of Limbo, a game soon to be available on Xbox Live Arcade…
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Microsoft kills Kin
And I believe this is good, they are coming with new phones and having this shit in between will be confusing and diluting
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iOS icons in pure CSS
Open this with Safari 5 or Google Chrome:
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Free Portal
Until May 24th you can get your hands on a free copy of Portal both for Mac & PC
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iPad delayed...
...for us outside the US, from late april to late may, prices will be announced May 10
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Microsoft Kin
Microsoft Gets Social with New Kin Phones
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Reactable Live!
Now you can buy one:
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Robot Unicorn Attack…
submit your high scores
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12 million euros website
For the spanish presidency of the european union:
And the fucking thing has been down the whole day.
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Red Dead Redemption
Rockstar Games does it again: