- fredddddd
Anchorage, AK
Why and how would anyone live there?
- fredddddd
313 miles from Paris
Did you know Paris is only 313 miles from Amsterdam? And there's Belgium in between.
That's closer than SF to LA.
Why is Eur…
- fredddddd
What does a graphic designer look like?
This man is President of AIGA/NY.
- fredddddd
"Hope all is well"
How often do you get emails with "Hope all is well" in them?
I got a few in the past couple days. It sounds negative. There mus…
- fredddddd
Kanye's Skirt.
He wears this now.
Is this a cry for attention? You think he st…
- fredddddd
Louisiana meteorologist Rhonda Lee was fired after responding on Facebook.
There must be more to this story??
- fredddddd
Fork on the left?
Why do we place the fork on the left side of a plate and the knife on the right?
Most people are right handed.
- fredddddd
Animated PDF?
Is there any way besides a movie to have an animation on a pdf?
They need to support animated gifs.
- fredddddd
iPhone Screen Protectors?
Do you use iPhone Screen Protectors? Any recommendations?
- fredddddd
Highlight text in Illustrator CS4?
Is there any way to highlight text in Illustrator CS4?
Or is the only way to put a colored box behind the text?
- fredddddd
Windows Phone = Confusing?
Am I the only one who thinks the phone screen at the end is confusing?
It's a goo…
- fredddddd
@ sign in email on website?
Is there any difference between "@" and "@" on a website to fight spam?
Is the best way still to use info "at"…
- fredddddd
POLL: email history?
How many years of emails do you have access to still?
We've all had jobs we left, new url's, hotmail, gmail.
If you start a …
- fredddddd
For boring jobs, airlines, trains, and 24hr stores, hospitals, what happens at midnight?
I've always been at a party or bar, so…
- fredddddd
GMAIL Sender's IP
Is it possible to find the IP of the sender, if that person sends an email through
The "received by" always seems to…
- fredddddd
Letter Spacing in PS?
For letter spacing, what amount of spacing is approx. would be 1px spacing on the web?
- fredddddd
"Next Guest Please"
When did stores start telling their employees to replace the word "customer" with "guest".
Such fake forced politeness. STOP IT…