- fredddddd
Web Fonts?
Is there any good place to learn about using web fonts on a website.
If I wanted Univers or Akzidenz, I would just purchase the…
- fredddddd
Expand Type from PDF?
Is it possible to take a .pdf and outline all the type on one page, without having font?
I don't want to edit any of the type, …
- fredddddd
Alt to Georgia on Web?
Any recommendations for a font for copy that is easy to read?
Something elegant like Garamond Pro.
- fredddddd
Chrome messing up fonts?
Why does type on some websites show up like this in Chrome?
How do I fix it?
- fredddddd
Alternatives to Soda?
I like Coca-Cola. I find it more refreshing than any other beverage.
But it isn't healthy and I think it's best to stop.
- fredddddd
Blue iMessages?
On an iPhone, blue iMessages are always free?
When I send one in blue, the response is always gray.
Are all these free?
- fredddddd
Design for movie studios?
I always wondered; for most hollywood movies, do the studios have crazy inhouse teams that design the posters, credits, and things…
- fredddddd
- fredddddd
Alternatives to Silkscreen?
What are some good alternatives to Silk screen?
I have a drawing that I want to put on a hand made poster.
Xerox transfer is…
- fredddddd
Bold Condensed typeface?
Any recommendations for a nice bold condensed typeface?
Besides Franklin Gothic or Interstate?
- fredddddd
Small Wedding Gifts?
Any good ideas for a small wedding gift?
I'm going to an old friend's wedding. They live in a small house and are outdoor-type …
- fredddddd
I don't understand tattoos.
I think you'd have to be insane to want to look like this forever:
Unless someone dies, I don't…
- fredddddd
iPhone Apps?
Is there a thread about fun / helpful iPhone apps?
This is helpful for deciding whether to buy something in a store or not:
- fredddddd
Is there a better program than Acrobat Distiller to transform .ps files into .pdf's? My distiller takes forever.
- fredddddd
Embeded Vimeo on IE?
Does Vimeo not work on IE?
I embedded a video on a website and it views as a blank white rectangle on IE for Mac?
- fredddddd
Anyone have any experience with 4 color process silkscreen?
If you take a photo and separate it in photoshop, do you always hav…