
  • ldww

    aveda logo

    anyone have the aveda logo? the one on bransoftheworld is slightly different and bolder then their current logo, i am guessing it …

    Mar 31, 040 replies
  • ldww

    online photo album

    got one? show it off?
    whats a good program to manage one?

    Apr 6, 045 replies
  • ldww

    windows error

    ok do not know if anyone here will know but... i am getting this error every now and then on my computer.

    "Files that are req…

    Apr 6, 045 replies
  • ldww

    php created images

    anyone ever used php to create images of text? wondering how well it renders the text.

    Apr 7, 0411 replies
  • ldww

    convert pfb & pfm to ttf

    i am wondering how to convert a font (helvetica), i have it in two files (.pfb and .pfm) it works fine on my computer, but i need …

    Apr 8, 040 replies
  • ldww

    iframe show layer in parent

    i have a document with an iframe, inside that is a page, how can i have a button on the iframe page which "shows" a div located in…

    Apr 8, 0413 replies
  • ldww

    NT: i think there should be

    a link to "my profile" up in the left corner. that way its easier to be able to choose all PVN by me so i can look if someone repl…

    Apr 9, 040 replies
  • ldww

    refurbished digital camera

    what do you think about refurbished digital cameras?

    "This product has been REMANUFACTURED. It is in the same as NEW conditio…

    Apr 12, 042 replies
  • ldww

    compact flash brand

    does it matter what brand? is all compact flash the same? i see cheaper prices on sandisk verbatm or kingston but wanted to make s…

    Apr 12, 041 replies
  • ldww

    DIV over Flash?

    i have a div (drop down menu) and there is a flash movie underneath it. but the flash movie is playing over the DIV, any idea how …

    Sep 29, 0322 replies
  • ldww

    mac automation

    is there a way to make a clickable icon which will run a command in the terminal window?

    Dec 6, 051 replies
  • ldww

    aim proxy

    i work in a large building and keep getting kicked off of aim cause of too much activity. viacom tech support says its cause every…

    Dec 6, 050 replies
  • ldww

    hotmail css

    is it true that hotmail will strip out all css in html emails? is there anyway around this?

    Dec 5, 0514 replies
  • ldww

    creative online shops

    what are some of the online shops for creative and cool gifts?

    i hate xmas.

    Dec 5, 054 replies
  • ldww

    indesign (layer effects)

    i have never used indesign and am trying to help my sister out with it. but she is in another state so i am only guessing at thing…

    Dec 1, 055 replies
  • ldww

    safari tabs

    is there a way to make safari make new tabs instead of opening pages in a new window without having to ctrl-click it?

    Nov 14, 056 replies
  • ldww

    contact sheet proggy

    looking to make a contact sheet(s) of a set of icons. want something that will not scale them (they are only 16x16). i tried the b…

    Nov 11, 050 replies
  • ldww

    sticky div

    is there a way to get a div to stay at the top of the screen when you scroll up and down, but also make it scroll with the page wh…

    Nov 8, 052 replies
  • ldww


    anyone know places other then the two listed on the freitag website for purchasing the bags in nyc? (flight001,tg-150... neither o…

    Nov 7, 050 replies
  • ldww


    what do you use to slice?

    i have always used fireworks. but work onl has image ready so i am trying to use it. i would think it…

    Nov 2, 050 replies