- ldww
bbedit help
new to mac and bbedit so bare with me...
is there a plug in for bbedit for collapable code blocks? such as functions..also, i…
- ldww
mac automation
is there a way to make a clickable icon which will run a command in the terminal window?
- ldww
hotmail css
is it true that hotmail will strip out all css in html emails? is there anyway around this?
- ldww
creative online shops
what are some of the online shops for creative and cool gifts?
i hate xmas.
- ldww
indesign (layer effects)
i have never used indesign and am trying to help my sister out with it. but she is in another state so i am only guessing at thing…
- ldww
safari tabs
is there a way to make safari make new tabs instead of opening pages in a new window without having to ctrl-click it?
- ldww
contact sheet proggy
looking to make a contact sheet(s) of a set of icons. want something that will not scale them (they are only 16x16). i tried the b…
- ldww
sticky div
is there a way to get a div to stay at the top of the screen when you scroll up and down, but also make it scroll with the page wh…
- ldww
mac view thumbnail in finder
ok another mac question (its been so long since i used one, and i have one at work).
i downloaded some icons, and when i open t…
- ldww
calculate website size
is there an app (mac) which will calculate the size of a website and load times, etc?
- ldww
lame css ?
ok this is a lame question. but i have not ever noticed this before
something with a width of 770 and padding-right: 30px will …
- ldww
mac xsl editor
does anyone have a reccomendation for a code editor for mac? primarily for xsl and php.
i tried bbedit, but i do not like how …
- ldww
aol browser
is aol's latest browser based on IE? sometone told me that. also, is there some kind f a simultion that lets you view your site in…
- ldww
web rss reader
whats the best?
bloglines? its knda ugly thou
- ldww
paypal with php
has anyone integrated paypal webpayments pro with php before? that is where your website does not have to go to the site…
- ldww
day rate question
i need to come up with a day rate for a "perma-lancing" job. where i would be full time freelance, but they would withhold taxes.