- mtgentry
images larger than 2400px?
Curious if anyone is exporting images for the web at a size larger than ~2400px. Particularly for your personal portfolio or a pho…
- mtgentry
I like building websites w/ a FTP client. I can see my files. I can easily add things to the server. It's great.
But I have a …
- mtgentry
Should I bill for today?
Last week, my client said "we need you through next Wednesday."
There were plenty of things to work on Monday and Tuesday, but…
- mtgentry
how to match .psd & app?
Each time my developer shows me a new app build, the positioning of the elements is always off.
I remember in Flash you could c…
- mtgentry
Introducing Thumbprick
Hey guys, I've been building a new kind of bookmarking tool in my spare time. Feel …
- mtgentry
Music Library?
I need some background music for a demo video. Something like this:
Is there an audio equivalent of …
- mtgentry
freelance question
How does everyone keep in touch with old clients? When my schedule opens up, I feel weird emailing ppl out of the blue just becaus…
- mtgentry
'Crippled Rejex' band
These guys are great..
- mtgentry
'Seal Team 6', © Disney
Stay classy, Disney.
- mtgentry
Design forum Forrst gets funding…
"The founder plans on speeding up the rate at which new members are approv…
- mtgentry
photo budget?
I need some product photos of three glass bottles, all similar in size. I'm looking for simple shots on a white background with mu…
- mtgentry
It's like ffffound but more social:
- mtgentry
Hey Mr. DesLongchamp
aka richardkark. Spike Jonze likes your stuff!
- mtgentry
imitate signature?
I'm working on a print piece where I want a signature at the bottom of the page to look like it was really signed by hand. What c…
- mtgentry
Screen Printing on glass
I'm designing a 3 color label for a bottle. Can I use overprinting to create additional colors or is that too artsy-farsty for the…
- mtgentry
Adam Carolla Show Cancelled
Friday is the last day. I will sorely miss his nasally drone.