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Luxury Destination Sites
I'm looking for links to high end destination sites that use lots of photography to sell there destination.
Thank you.
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AE Splatter
I'm searching for an After Effects Paint Splatter Tutorial / Plugin. Any links?
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Red in Video
Any tricks to using Red type on a dark background in video production? Seems to blur/ bleed much more then any other colour.
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Vector Silhouette
Any tips on photographing people to be turned into vector silhouettes?
Any tips on vectorizing them without tracing them all b…
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Hotel Sites
Got any links to nice hotel sites?
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Summer Font
I need a clean, fun, summer font for titles. Not too decorative, to work with illustrations in a similar style to this:
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Smooth Flash Bitmap animation
Any tips on creating smooth scaled bitmpa animation for Flash player 6 and 7? Similar to this:http://www.n...
THe Flash 8 bitma…
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Old Flash Players
Anyone know where i can download the Flash 6 player?
Know of any tools that allow you to toogle different players on and off as…
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Law Firm sites
Any links to some nice, not too cold law firms?
Along the lines of this:
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Canadian Census
How the hell did Lockheed Martin get the contract to develop the software for submitting Canadian Census reports online?
1st of…
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Screen Capture Software
Any suggestions on software to capture on screen interaction? I need to capture some software usage for a Video presentation. Any …
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Dark Flash sites
I'm looking for links to Flash sites with dark backgrounds, lots of photography, not text heavy, no scroll 800 by 600.
Any link…
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Supporting Font
Is there a name for the font family used as part of a brand developement? For instance if Helvetica is used throughout the station…
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Smooth Line Art
How can I force line smoothing on in a PDF? Adobe seems to do it. I have to embed a logo on the top of the page and when smooth li…
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Adobe Question
Does anyone know if it's within the Adobe license agreement to spit programs up from the Creative Suite over more then one compute…