- pinkfloyd
Calf Tattoos
I got a birthmark on my left calf, and I want to cover it up with a tattoo. I'm a tattoo virgin but I checked out a few shops for …
- pinkfloyd
Living Off the Grid
Has anyone fantasized about this? I think about taking my savings, and moving closer with nature. Buy some cheap little house, and…
- pinkfloyd
Aeron Chair Alternative
Looking for a cheaper alternative.
- pinkfloyd
Drawing Tablet
I need a new drawing tablet. The ipad's styluses are too thick, the cintiqs are too big with bulky wires, and the companion is ste…
- pinkfloyd
70 percent of Americans are taking prescription medications. More than half take two. I've always been wary of psychiatric medicat…
- pinkfloyd
Surface Pro 3
Did anyone buy this?
- pinkfloyd
Ever been bullied?
Seems like it's pretty common. Finding out some of my coworkers have been bullied when they were a kid, and they have anxiety issu…
- pinkfloyd
iPad Air Keyboard
Has anyone found an iPad air case with a "full size" keyboard that works well?
- pinkfloyd
Nothing is Everything?
"Nothing is everything, and everything is nothing"
Someone told me this phrase many many years ago, and I still don't understan…
- pinkfloyd
Member of the Day
Who should we pick first?
- pinkfloyd
Facing Your Fears
Has anyone successfully faced your fears? Can you tell me what happened? Need inspiration.
- pinkfloyd
Learning Photography
What are some good links and books for learning photography for a beginner? just has way too many videos, and i've been …
- pinkfloyd
CSS Question
I have a page set up with a fullscreen background image that scales fine with the browser. Then I have a floater image "bg_header…
- pinkfloyd
Buying A Used Car
I never bought a car before. Any good recommendation for car insurance? Also, how much mileage is too high especially if I want to…
- pinkfloyd
Ecommerce Add ons
Working on a simple bakery site, and they want to add ecommerce / shopping cart capabilities. What's your favorite recommendations…
- pinkfloyd
Health / Vitamins Photographer
I'm doing a quick mockup, and looking for some good quality photos of vitamins. Anyone got links of some good health or vitamins p…
- pinkfloyd
Asking Age At Work
I heard it's illegal to ask someone's age when you're interviewing someone. What about temps? this temp turd here is asking my age…
- pinkfloyd
"Opting In" For Email Campaigns
It seems most email campaign services requires their users to use a "opt in" feature because of the anti-spam policies. Is there a…
- pinkfloyd
Man Uses Television to Propose
Ohio man runs a commercial to propose to his girlfriend. Video below: