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Quick opinion needed
I'm off for the day in 10 min.
Do I: go skateboard 5 min away or go play 9 holes about 20 min away(only $5 to walk 9)?
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Anyone on here play rfactor racing sim online. Specifically the F1 version? You can paint different skins for the cars in photosho…
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josef muller brockman prints
Anyone know of a good source for Josef Muller Brockman reprints? I've been trying to hunt some down but, haven't had any luck. Spe…
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Skateboarding is pretty much more awesome than anything. Even girls. Well....yep girls too. Anyone else share my thoughts on the s…
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Seriously...why is Adobe still developing this program? Their Adobe Labs site boasts the title "Rapidly Prototype and Design for t…
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Looking for a site. Please help.
I'm looking for a company's portfolio site. Maybe you've seen it and know what it is. The portfolio has a lot of car ads. Mainly B…
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Formula 1...thoughts for season
After the opener in Australia this past weekend, this season looks to be very exciting. With a standard ECU in place, a loss of tr…
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php on Mac?
so, I'm just about ready to make my switch to the Apple Mac. I really do like the operating system have wanted to do this for some…