- sexypixel
Kazaa to sell out
I heard a rumor in a board room that Kazaa is in talks with various record companies to go legal. They plan to do a kind of pay pe…
- sexypixel
carpal tunnel
anyone got a quick fix for it, i have heaps of work to do and its killing me
- sexypixel
Friday Music
Thought I'd start this as its friday in sydney, i've done a full weeks work, i have developed carpal tunnel, so i'm going out to g…
- sexypixel
whats the font you've used on this…
the rebrand one?
loving your splashes
- sexypixel
Interface Design
Looking for good examples of interface design. OSX style maybe. Apps that you though were well designed, fresh and broke away from…
- sexypixel
New Audi A3…
any thought on this cars design. I like it, the interior looks peachy. But…
- sexypixel
Creative brief idea
We have a creative brief in here that we send out to clients prior to the design stage. I proves very useful, but theres one area …
- sexypixel
Mac people
Just a quick one folks. Ive been told my site is screwy on a mac. Im using iframes and have changed the code slightly so can you h…
- sexypixel
anyone having problems with the traffic monitor?
not complaining btw. love the service, just wondering if its down at the momen…
- sexypixel
They're Comming!!!…
practice that shift/delete trick!!!
- sexypixel
Can you.....?
I'm broke and can't go out this weekend. Can you email me some money, some dope and a hooker?
- sexypixel
<---QBN Certified
Great site and photos, but that image looks like shes taking a dump into a wicker basket
- sexypixel
that software thread
Im looking for that software thread that had recommendations of great little apps. Ive searched and cant find it, i cant rememebr…