- tank
macos tiger,boot from dvd
wats the keyboard function for this again,its been so long that i forgot..
and i can acces my files than,no?
- tank
bombs hit bali…
damn,a friend of mine jsut returned...creepy
fuckin' terrorists....
- tank
a new splash..looks there is some movement there...the silence before the storm?
- tank
annex design
check out the kid with the golden skills...
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stereo total
saw them on friday.
- tank
after effects Q
anyone know of some tutorials to make neon lights etc..i made a LED wal now with graphix
- tank
the mill | levi's
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the mil | pleix
the mill teams up with pleix to deliver a stunning commercial for pontiac.
- tank
what was the site with all the vintage cars on it...they where in a fairly high from the 50ies till 80ies i t…
- tank
muller pt2
say 'hello' to another muller.
- tank
i'm so proud
my little cousin wants to become a graphic his big cousin....
shouls i tell him if you're gonna be a designer y…
- tank
film question
does anyone know of a movie with a guy who controls mice...and supposedely callled wilbur or something...a friend of mine is despe…
- tank
tank needs a little help
i need a mini cooper in vectors.thanx!
- tank
to much time…
some people jus thave to much spare time
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nt mix yo!…
all beasties song in a capella,start remixing yall...
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grizzly man…
strange.and why does he remind me of andy dick?
- tank
flock of birds
hej,does someone know an actionscript for a random flock of birds?
- tank
looks great…
does anyone know whats the music in …