
  • versa

    phone VM to mp3


    any ideas as to how to take cellular voice mail to mp3...

    muchas gracias in advance

    *i am up in the google looking…

    Apr 27, 048 replies
  • versa

    Illi ?

    is there a quick way to convert paths to a die like template, other than just picking a unique color for registration and just usi…

    Apr 26, 044 replies
  • versa

    who works at Yale


    i want your new typeface please

    just kiddin'

    i would only pay the proper amount for it

    Apr 20, 041 replies
  • versa

    PS trickery

    ok, maybe not so trick, as i think i know some ways to go about this, but can someone definitively tell me the proper technique to…

    Apr 18, 0411 replies
  • versa

    damn taxes

    600 USD short on what i owe for taxes...

    gonna file anyways and pay in the next 2 weeks....

    hope that won't affect my credit…

    Apr 14, 041 replies
  • versa

    Illustrator layout Q

    pardon my ignance™ on this matter...

    i was just handed an ad requirement
    sheet that states that the ad must be dont in Il…

    Apr 8, 047 replies
  • versa

    your pictures...

    anybody have a nice shot of just a quintessential rundown urban with warehouses on the left and right, maybe some tel…

    Apr 7, 041 replies
  • versa

    Magnet & Sticker....

    sources....(nice dies would be cool but not mandatory)

    throw 'em at me....i've got what i've used before, but you all always ha…

    Apr 6, 040 replies
  • versa



    man, its been a while

    Apr 1, 0418 replies
  • versa

    who's in italy ?

    just curious, i am dying to go back, and would love to one day figure out how to work ( even if non-design related ) while i'm the…

    Apr 1, 046 replies
  • versa

    xml quickie

    i am appreciated

    how can i get a number/integer representing how many childnodes are under the firstchild


    Mar 30, 048 replies
  • versa

    Carved Wooden Signage

    any leads for experts in the US ? or better yet, in the southwest or west

    i have a client opening a herbal apothecary and tea s…

    Mar 30, 047 replies
  • versa

    button press ?

    anybody by chance have one that they want to sell ?

    just curious as i am trying to buy one right inch size is fine

    Mar 28, 041 replies
  • versa

    latin phrase

    how does one write "long live" in latin ?

    the sources i have looked at online seem disparate...wonde... if there is a two word …

    Mar 25, 041 replies
  • versa

    i have a problem

    ... seemingly indicative of something prolly greater, but i continue, day after day, to go to the refrigerator - open the door - a…

    Mar 25, 0429 replies
  • versa

    xml speed question

    before i test, maybe someone can just answer quicker

    if i build a flash gallery that loads jpgs in from urls stated inside xml …

    Mar 24, 042 replies
  • versa

    Franz Ferdinand


    Mar 24, 0479 replies
  • versa

    Please try...

    to download these seemingly nice chair .eps s and let me know if they work you...i keep getting errors after i unzip them and try …

    Mar 22, 046 replies
  • versa

    wish i could draw

    HANDS! damn, been trying to get this hand right for like and hour

    wish i was more practiced, and more of a natural

    this is t…

    Mar 20, 0418 replies
  • versa

    miniml package

    anybody have it ?

    silly question, but how do i access the special characters for each family and individual weight


    Mar 18, 0415 replies