- vespa
white men and table tennis
Check this out... me and my girls just realized that white men are always playing table tennis when they're at home.
If you eve…
- vespa
5:05 05/05/05
We're gonna have one of those special number moments this afternoon...
- vespa
< Born to boogie
"Ringo Starr dressed as a mouse and a dwarf eating the mirror from a Cadillac."…
- vespa
Weirdest product
What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen for purchase overseas?
i just saw Pink Nipple Cream in a supermarket in saigon.
- vespa
I'm back too!
didja miss me?
vietnam was ace! and i've got the sunburn to prove it!
some tuesday tunes for y'all:…
- vespa
Worst Band Names Ever!
- vespa
I just saw Nelson Mandela
in Trafalgar Square!…
""Like slavery and apartheid…
- vespa
OSX admin rights
ok we've had a "change of policy" at work and all of our shiny macs are being "locked down" - basically they're not letting us hav…
- vespa
Iraqi Elections…
"The election is like rearranging the Titanic deckchairs"
(Iraq watc…
- vespa
The End of The World will smell like...
i just walked past somebody photocopying a ream of tedious office documentation and i realised that that particular sweet burnt st…