lukas_renlundsince 2009

    • Biography


      Lukas Renlund practises his photography with detail to esthetical finesse, whilst exploring the boundaries between the surreal and the ordinary. With a recently achieved Bachelors Degree from the London College of Fashion in 2008 he is currently based in Copenhagen, Denmark.

      The fashion magazine has due to its convenient accessibility and glossy seductive nature become Renlund’s prime medium of choice for exposing his work into the public’s eye. In fashion photography the bringing to life of an image is achieved with the support of hand picked professionals working unanimously towards a singular vision. Similar support provided to the photographer is rare to come by in other genres of photography. The wide spectrum of human and technological resources available at the photographer’s disposal enables the photographer to make his visions become reality. Therefore Renlund would also like to show his gratitude to everyone who ever accompanied him on the cunning road of creativity - thank you.

      Renlund's editorial work has featured in magazines such as: ELLE, Euroman and Zoot Magazine to name a few. Other associated clients include Warner Music Denmark, Lexus (Denmark), and Carl*s Cars magazine. He has exhibited work in Oslo, Norway and additional joint- and solo exhibitions in the UK and in the USA are also in the planning.

      Lukas Renlund was recently nominated for Best Fashion Photography in the 4th annual Black and White Spider Awards 2008. He also received a top three nomination for his work submissions in the national Hairdresser of the Year 2008 competition in Norway. He is available for international commissions.