since 2002
renderedredsince 2002
- Ⓐ renderedred
- Jerusalem, Israel / Palestine
- Biography
- PV Topics 1,889 replies
PV Topics 1,889 replies
- Social Media Discussion4 years ago
- holographic image printing11 years ago
- Listen to me very carefully,12 years ago
- Social Media Discussion
- Broadcasts
- weltschmerz jerusalem artists / onion tears #211 years ago
- This is a test,13 years ago
- 10th anniversary13 years ago
- weltschmerz jerusalem artists / onion tears #2
- detritus
You left us for good, buddy?
- renderedred
a video from one of the songs from my last album with my previous band the burnouts.
- renderedred
- thanks sofas!********
- you're welcome!renderedred
- i like you********
- Bon voyage!********
- thanks sofas!
- renderedred
listen & download
- Continuity
Oi! Where are you, cunt?
- He gone!palimpsest
- He said fuck all of us.utopian
- i'm back baby!renderedred
- Ah! There you are. Zdravo!Continuity
- You stay safe, yeah?Continuity
- thanks man!renderedred