New StubHub Logo
New StubHub Logo
- Started 9 years ago
- Last post 9 years ago
- 6 Responses
- dbloc0
It's not as Excited! as it used to be.
- monospaced1
No logo will make me despise that business model less.
- and it's still a speech bubble, which still makes no sensemonospaced
- ....yeah!doesnotexist
- desmo0
- wtfdoesnotexist
- + 5 million dollars/ year
but i imagine they'll lose that in jersey sales, who wants to be a walking billboard for stubhub?_niko - Ads will be appearing on all jerseys soon, so giddy up!desmo
- so ridiculous. like sports teams don;t make enough money as it is. Greedy bastards.dbloc