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  • zenmasterfoo0

    Anyone talk about Sketch here? I'm using it to design UI and it's worth the test trial. Give yourself 2 days to get over what you know from years of Photoshop usage. After that the speed and efficiency of the product make it a great alternative to CC.

    • to CC? you mean an alernative to one program? I tried it - made no difference, was more a novelty than serving any real benefits.fadein11
    • alternative*fadein11
    • Yeah, there are threads here for Sketch.nb
  • Bennn-2

    They're just throwing a bunch of nonsense crap in their apps now, because they have to give us new stuff because we're paying a substential monthly fee. They know more than any other that we're stuck with them because they're the standard.

    • When you think about it, we're all using the same tools and features since years. All the new crap is sleeping there and we never/rarely use it.Bennn
    • and they cannot re-invent the wheel. you can't add features forever in Photoshop.Bennn
    • They've been jamming in nonsense for years - peak nonsense was reached with the inclusion of 3D. No fucker can use it seriously.face_melter
    • They could improve those 3D features immensely. The brush tools are nice but I bet a 90s version of Painter had better.CyBrainX

    I've retried Affinity Designer last week and was actually impressed. They seem to be catching up nicely.

    They're working on Affinity Publisher and should launch a Beta by the end of year (InDesign like)

    • All good until you have to give your files to someone and he can't open 'em?Bennn
    • they read and write .ps and .ai, will read and write .indd also.uan
    • with every effects and shits on? or with errors and fuckups? yknowBennn
    • I'm not seeing the company to switch, but for some stuff at home it's becoming sufficientESKEMA
    • Adobe themselves read write with errors and fuckups.ESKEMA
  • Bennn-1

    ''Adobe Reports Record Revenue''



    • Fuck these cunts.

      Come on MS, come on Apple, come on Google and Affinity - end this shit monopoly.
    • and they sell digital stuff. They're selling air basically.Bennn
    • C'mon Macromediapablo28
    • Macromedia has been abducted by Adobe. They could have become big.Bennn
  • sted1

    fuck the cloud

    • Windows 95?monospaced
    • yeah :D w7 and I have no clue why this window is popping up in with the basic design.sted
    • There are ways to still see that window theme in Windows 10. I suspect that developer or legacy bits of things call it over the newer themes.evilpeacock
    • innovation never sleepsmonospaced
  • detritus-1

    I've found about three plugins for photoshop over the past few weeks ... that don't appear to work in CC versions.

    "Hey! I can try out the official Adobe App marketplace - problem solved!"


    What a load of shit - are there any good plug-ins/etc in there?

    Have any of you lot bought and installed anything from there? Seems like it's all crap for amateurs and lazy bastards looking for substandard clipart.

    I have no doubt it brings in the money for Adobe, but I can't help but feel for the previous generations of plugin-makers, etc, and I cant help but feel that Adobe's fucking over professionals for amateur dollar.

    If I hadn't been dealt a handy curveball from above, I'd've had to install my old copies of CS2 Photoshop and Illy, just to complete a job.


    • https://s-media-cach…PonyBoy
    • I wonder why so many plug-in makers seem to have abandonded developing their software when CC came online?detritus
    • er, thanks PonyBoy?detritus
    • Oh. PLUG IN? Right. Sorry, I'm particularly retarded on Mondays.detritus
    • hehe :)PonyBoy
    • There's a post on scriptographer about how Adobe kept making changes for the worse, which ceased scriptographer development.imbecile
    • Aye, Scriptographer keeps coming up on my radar - haven't used it in years I think that alone would be worth reinstalling CS2 for. Seriously, fuck Adobe.detritus
    • http://scriptographe…imbecile
    • Indeed. I actually have a virtual machine with an older OS on it and CS4. Might have to make a Scriptographer version.evilpeacock
  • sted0

    Pull your shit together otherwise I'm going to cancel all our subscriptions and burn my ACEs on youtube.

  • fruitsalad0

    Yes please Fuck adobe!

    You can adjust the thickness of a stroke in Illustrator to make it tapered, but in After Effects no, can not on their shape layers... great. what a piece of crap. You can by the way do it in Moho(anime Studio) a pretty amateur user base animation software. So it technically compuqerally isn't impossible to create animated tapered lines, is it Adobe? Admit it Adobe, you're stupid.

    Adobe you fucks, open up your code for bloated illustrator, find the functions that create tapered strokes, cut and paste it into your After Effects code. Make a few adjustments. You lazy fucks.

    Instead Adobe wasted time creating the AfterEffect's Brainstorm Tool! You fucking idiots adobe. If you could add in some tracking code to your software see how many times that tool is used, you'll see that your users use it on average.. Never you fucks.Is this the most requested feature or tool from your customers and users? Is it fuck!

    Look at all the plugins people are creating out of desperation and frustration to try to bring some freaking actual usable tools to your bloated piece of shit software:


    Look at this poor guys attempt at bring tapered strokes to AE:


    and I quote "Tapered Strokes (like in Illustrator) have also been a pretty major request for Adobe to add to After Effects as a whole. "

    But what do you give use The Brainstorm Tool, which essentially takes all your old ageing effects from AE V1, circa 1993, and randomly applies them to a comp, you know, so you can brainstorm and get funky... Fuck you adobe!

    And while we're in communication, bring back Freehand you vector nazi's.

    • sorry made some grammatical errors and spelling mistake in my ragefruitsalad
    • I would consolidate most of this to: Share the same features and functionality across all programs. Make every pen tool the same as Illustrator's, etc.CyBrainX
    • I thought more of that was going to happen when they started releasing all their programs at once but it didn't improve that much.CyBrainX
    • For the record, the Brainstorm tool was excised from AFX a few versions back. Apparently nobody used it.evilpeacock
    • The good and bad thing is that each program has its own development team. They work independently and they sometimes don't like to talk to each other.phobos79
  • Bennn-1

    My Adobe programs have never been so slow since the last updates...

    And I'm driving a 18Gb of RAM and i7 2.8Ghz processor...

    Fuck off

    • See, see, why am I so upset fuck fuck fuck the cc updates.sted
  • fruitsalad-2

    Thinking about AEscripts, all those plugins... why has adobe allowed people to script plugins for their software? Opened that one up to the users... It's because adobe can't make the right decisions on which features to invest money and time into building, they clearly get it massively wrong. So they decide, ok, lets open up the software, allow users to script plugins and extra functionality, because that will save us money, we don't need to develop the software anymore, we can sit back and rake in the subscription cash, and users will be happy creating plugins, ha ha ha....

    Wrong adobe, wrong. What this means is:

    1 - we end up paying more money to gain the functionality we so desperately require from your software.

    2- we end up with out of date plugins and things going wrong when you do update AfterEffects adding in some random useless feature.

    3 - it means that everyone in the team, or fellow freelancers need to buy those 3rd party plugins just to work on the same project or for amends etc. = a world of pain and extra costs and incompatibility issues.

    What you should do instead, is buy the most popular plugins, and develop into After Effects natively their functionality. So that we all have the same functionality across everyones copy of aftereffects, so that we can work in teams and get freelancers in to help, without having a plugin expense of incompatibility nightmare.

    • All true but if they ever shut out 3rd party developers we'll have to burn their offices - no matter how good the next version is.CyBrainX
    • in reality plug-ins just use built-in functionalities but make them more comfortable to use.
      some exceptions got licensed by adobe and are included in AE.
    • if you chose to buy and use a plug-in you do it because it saves time and therefore costs.
      not in any case because AE couldn't do the effect without the plugin
  • moldero3

  • wheelBoy-1

    I was going to use Adobe Xd for responsive design, but it does not have a grid system to use, it been out a fucking year. I swear they must have a department of 4 people working on this app.

  • Bennn-2


    "Creative Cloud subscribers in the UK and Sweden can expect price hikes starting next month"


    I hope they won't do the same in Canada cuz I think I would cancel my membership right away

    • im considering doing that cc crack if the prices go up, just gotta crack a version thats not fucked up, like the previous version of AE and media encodermoldero
    • Yeah, I got the email the other day. My price increase won't kick in until August, when my subscription rolls over.face_melter
    • more like fuck brexit...pango
    • Don't be daft, Pango, it's got nothing to do with that, everything to do with Adobe rhinking it has an industry by the balls.detritus
    • Everyone saw this coming when CC was announced.i_monk
  • rosko_picachu-1

    Adobe is absolute genius, imagine the hacking potential they have sat in a business park next to Qinetiq and Booz Allen Hamilton.....
    everyone's data is nicked via Adobe Update, .PDF etc.

    • Downvoted, well i got hacked by Adobe, while researching Carlyle Group + Neustar. Qinetiq, BAH were acquired also by CGrosko_picachu
  • Bennn3

    Adobe CC is getting slower and slower on both my machines at work and home. Sucking so much power... Lots of temporary freezing when I open or close programs etc.

    I still use Adobe CS4 at work and its SUPER quick and fast. Opening Photoshop CS4 take 3,5 seconds...

    We always want to be up to date, but using older versions with recent computers = so much speed, its crazy!

    • yep, same here. Illy was downright painful to use yesterday after living in Sketch the past couple of monthsakiersky
    • Opening Illustrator CC = 1min 17sec ... Fuck that!Bennn
    • Opening InDesign CC = 46sec ... fuck thatBennn
    • and Acrobat Pro, the last version, is a real pain to use. They've moved everything. Suuuuuper heavy and slow to use.Bennn
    • get a macGnash
    • don't even get me started on quitting timesmonospaced
    • yeah, Acrobat Pro has been a pain to relearn...for what? I fail to see the improvement.formed
    • We have shit iMacs and CC programs take a few secs to open. But ya, total rip.Hayoth
    • its 78$/month in Canadian dollars... 1000$/year! FFSBennn
    • If apps are taking up to and over a minute to open you want to take a look at the machine, the software is fine.face_melter
    • Activated fonts can cause slow loading alsoHayoth
    • I use Sketch nowadays..the makers are from my city!!!!sureshot
    • Maybe this is their response to Apple dropping Flash?Ianbolton
    • Probably is a broken font issue, however Adobe is part of the NSA program.rosko_picachu
    • sounds like a crap computerinteliboy
  • doesnotexist1

    ^ happened to me too. had pref settings for like...6 versions of indd. indd wouldn't even open sometimes.

    found a fix tho. wiped my HD and started over completely. super fucking fast now. liking cc again.

    • maybe i need a fresh installation of Windows on a new HD, who knows. Still sucks.Bennn
    • it blows. stopped using the computer for months until i finally broke down and did the reinstall. glad i did.doesnotexist
    • think multiple install prefs were fucking it harddoesnotexist
    • and multiple calls to adobe did not resolve anything.doesnotexist
  • Bennn-2

    9 Million Paid Members in 2016.

    Thats mean a LOOOOOOT of cash every month for a company that sells air... digital stuff. They dont build material. Its crazy.

    • its like 5,400,000,000 /yearBennn
    • from wiki: REVENUE US$4.795 billion (2016)Bennn
    • People were stealing it for 7/8 of Adobes life span ;]BH26
    • lol @ thinking Adobe only makes softwaremonospaced
    • what are they selling outside software?Bennn
    • tons of services, marketing services, they run events, forums, training, enterprise level stuff, r&d, new ventures, hardware, etcmonospaced
    • not to mention tons of partnerships, portfolio sites, creative sharing, cloud service innovations, it goes on and onmonospaced
    • What i mean is they dont build cars or computers. selling data is what pays the most.Bennn
    • lol, dude, and Instagram sold for billionsmonospaced
    • don't you design websites? those are 100% air, and yet you charge for them ;)monospaced
  • Bennn-1

    Number of employees : 15,706 (Q4, 2016)


  • Gucci1

    The thing that drives me bananas is the "new document" windows. They're terrible in the other apps and, naturally, they just updated the one in indesign to be the same. What used to be literally instantaneous now takes between 5 and 7 seconds. Why? So frustrating for seemingly zero benefit. I don't need any bullshit, I just want to open a new doc. Maybe have a tick box on the new menu called "bullshit you probably don't want" so that I can turn it off.

    I saved a document in Acrobat for the first time in a long time today and they re-engineered the save screen for no good reason. I had to invest time in understanding something that should have been incredibly intuitive. I mean...Acrobat has been a tire fire for a long time, but...just incredulous.

    • Agreed... hate that new window especially when I'm pasting a copied raster to PS. Good thing is you can revert to the old window in settings (at least in PS)PonyBoy
    • Totally agree! Those new windows are totally useless!Bennn
    • Heh, was just saying the same thing to myself yesterday. Slow as f*****ck!!!fyoucher1
    • Heh, thx PonyBoy! Just noticed that and changed it, back to being fast again.fyoucher1
    • weird, quicker for me.doesnotexist
  • Ianbolton0

    I actually like the things I can EVENTUALLY do in Adobe CC, but fuck, why do they make it such a ballache every time they update things. How do you stop a monopoly offering shitty service?