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  • 720 Responses
  • Bennn0

    I think they are putting useless things and changing screens like the New Document window or the Save window just to make us feel we have new things for the 900-1000$/year we give them.

  • OctopiStimuli0

    Lost all my settings for photoshop, illy and indesign going from 2015 to 2017 CC. Even though they were backed up to the CC cloud. I couldn't download them and import them in again.

    Anybody know of a way to save settings for CC programmes that can be re-imported and synced between iMac and MacBook Pro?

    • same here, and I didn't know you could save/load settings outside the app itselfmonospaced
    • never found this to ever work. ask mono, he knows everything.doesnotexist
    • Synced or not those older settings should still exist in your user system folders.evilpeacock
  • PonyBoy17

    My monthly cost for the entire CC set of Apps after taxes / fees = $53.14 US which is $637.68 / year.

    Not even close to $1K a year allows me the opportunity to sit and work in my underpants and make a helluva-lot-more than I pay Adobe.

    The cost is insanely CHEAP given what I'm able to create for my clients. Is it annoying when 'updates' to the software really don't provide something better? sure...

    ...but ffs STOP WHINING so much!! I and MANY OTHERS on this site make a pretty nice living thanks to Adobe. The 'air' I purchase from them on a monthly basis allows me to crank out Websites, Books, Ads, Animations, Signage, Stickers, Business Cards BLAH BLAH BLAH... the possibilities for either tangible or on-screen useful products from Adobe's 'intangible software' is extensive (and lucrative if you're not a whiny baby who refuses to learn and apply these Apps instead of sitting on a forum complaining that tools cost money).


    • < this +1monospaced
    • charge more per hour than I pay per month, it's not a bad deal in the endmonospaced
    • Can I use your Creative Cloud Manager, yours seems to work poifectly! But you're right, $53.14 a month is insignificant. I don't even really track the expense.canoe
    • this is actually, the truth. actually.doesnotexist
    • I dont make a lot of money out of it, i use it more as a hobby. So for me its a lot of money just to have fun. 78$CAD/monthBennn
    • And i dont understand why we cannot choose the programs we want instead of paying for the whole bunch. The only package they offer is PSD+LRBennn
    • You can choose individual programs for ~$20 each.monNom
    • @Bennn that sounds boring pick them all come ondoesnotexist
    • yep - nearly had a similar rant - 100% agree with everything. It's peanuts. Add $50 onto a job each month if it bothers you so much.fadein11
    • I'll never understand people who argue on behalf and in favour of a subscription model, especially Adobe, especially in the UK. Stockholm syndrome?detritus
    • not arguing - its peanuts - used their software for free for years and years - can now afford it lol. its a dumb argument.fadein11
    • It's clever, you have your continuous payment system, and you get constantly hacked and monitored by Adobe, failure to do so means yoou need a new career. Nice.rosko_picachu
    • Trueff.fyoucher1
    • lol @roskomonospaced
    • I dont see how to choose the software one by one on Adobe's websiteBennn
    • all i need is Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, After Effects and Lightroom. I would like to build my package... seems impossibleBennn
    • Its possible to choose only one program for 20$/mBennn
    • So you're saying you need 5 of the most powerful pro level apps and services available for the creative market, and $10 each is too much?monospaced
    • And it's just your hobby?monospaced
    • Yeah. I make around 500-1000$ worth of job from home. I have a full time job in a company. Basically my home jobs pays for Adobe CC and i have nothing left.Bennn
    • i'm trying something today. Currently downloading CS5 W4R3Z C0p1, will pay the 10$/m for PSD+LR and install the rest 1IIegaIIy...dont know if the k4ack willBennn
    • work having both...Bennn
    • lolmonospaced
    • exactlyBennn
    • Still on CS3 for my personal copy. I use photoshop maybe once a month these days. So, a subscription would be completely wasted on me.section_014
    • That's why Sketch is $99 and is going to kick Adobe's arse...robotron3k
    • lol robo - sketch does 5% of what Adobe CC does - do you use 1 program? Fuck me, your silly comments are now oozing out of the politics thread into general lifefadein11
    • Done. Everything works for now. Changed my plan to PSD+LR 10$/m and h4ck3d the rest.Bennn
    • lol so you have up to date 2017 editions of two apps and the others are a previous version and you're gonna make $500 this year on it? Blessmonospaced
    • all are CC2017. thanks. Will see if it works. I dont use the other very often and dont make cash out of it really.Bennn
    • Make little cash from PSD, the rest is in the hobby departmentBennn
    • how would you feel if you could never buy a car, the car always had problems and it was your only choice? I think this is the argument.imbecile
    • are you saying you're enslaved to one company, imbecile? there's always corel :)PonyBoy
    • which i use to much profitimbecile
    • So your argument is shit?PonyBoy
  • OctopiStimuli6

    I agree with the above, currently paying £38.11 for full Adobe CC since 2015.

    I subsidise the cost by using the 5 free web hosting slots on Business Catalyst with clients paying £10 a month.

    Having Adobe CC actually makes me £140 a year. RESULT!

  • OctopiStimuli0

    I tried to re-import the settings that I couldn't download from Creative Cloud, no chance.

    Cant even import the settings from my iMac to the MacBook pro to keep the exact same settings. Anybody know of a work around to keep the two macs in sync using the same creative cloud subscription?

    • we have 3 macs with the same settings and 4 winpcs but we're using a linux server to sync everything on the worker machines.sted
    • Do you know where the settings are on at least one mac so they can be copied over to another mac sted?OctopiStimuli
    • Yes and on the macs we use a script tied to the LogoutHook it just simply makes a copy of the settings on the server into a dated directorysted
    • what we can recall if something fails.sted
    • Nice step, do you know where the settings are kept on the Mac System?OctopiStimuli
  • fourth2

    Agreed with Ponyboy. I bet all the complainers probably have $100 phone + data plans, $50 a month gym passes they never use, a $200 a month Starbucks habit, etc.

    • <fadein11
    • Not me. No.Bennn
    • Me neither, I don't squander money, unless I'm forced to, as with AdobeCCdetritus
  • Gnash1

  • detritus-1

    Again, for me it's money for old rope - I literally only need CC so that I can open client's files without concern that something in the supposedly 'PDF compatible' saving is messed up, which happened with surprising and increasing regularity in the days before I unwillingly put asleep my old copies of PS & Illy CS2 and signed up to the bullshit rip off that is CC. And a rip off it is for us here in UK - I pay for Illustrator and Photoshop more than you guys in the US pay for the whole suite - AND prices are going up in June.

    I literally have no benefit from this system, so from my perspective I'm shelling out a few hundred quid a year for No. Disernible. Benefit.

    I'd quite happily buy a solid version of the latest versions I use and upgrade every 24-36 months, like I used to.

    CC locks you into what is essentially a <18 month upgrade cycle - did anyone in the old days ever buy each new update of PS or whatever? No, of course not. you held out for value, which in turn encouraged Adobe to add value.

    Never mind that Illy is glitchier, buggier and slower than it used to be, never mind that the last worthwhile feature it added was editable stroke thicknesses.. what, a decade ago?

    Literally, I've gone from loving PS and Illy to ruing Adobe's very existence.

    it's a fucking rip off.

    of couse I can afford it. Of course I can offset the cost, but That's Not The Fucking Point.

    I don't like being ripped off, and I find it hard to understand anyone who claims they do.

    • Was it CS4 maybe? I forget.detritus
    • I've decided to cancel my PS subscription and load up my old hard copy - it's only Illustrator I absolutely can't risk loading in glitched files.detritus
    • When it came time to upgrade, people had a really hard time dropping that much cash at once, including me.monospaced
    • Do you pay for your own CC subscription, monospaced, or does your employer?detritus
    • I pay for my own, separately from my work setup.monospaced
    • I guess I just find the $50/month easier than a one-time $700+, with no updates in between. Plus, I can suspend membership anytime I want, lowering the cost/yrmonospaced
    • Forgive me for asking and its probably a stupid question but can't you just deduct it from your taxes at the end of the year as a business expense?GM278
    • Yes, I can - but that's still money I can't use for other things.detritus
    • sucks that its that expensive!fourth
    • thanks detritus! Exactly on point! Its 78$ in canadian dollars here :/Bennn
  • fourth0

    There are a few things that I take advantage of that makes CC worth it when I'm not using PS or AI:

    * Typekit is super convenient
    * Adobe Doc Cloud, I swear this is a separate cost but somehow I'm able to send PDF's to clients and have them eSign them
    * LR for my hobby photography

    I do find myself using Illustrator a lot more lately for logo work, icons, and some print here and there. Although buggy and slow at times the features for shapes, strokes, and color are still ahead of anything else.

    • I noticed Document cloud enabled on my account the other week too! It's great that I can now get sign off on a pdf.OctopiStimuli
  • ETM0

    At home I still use CS 5.5. Not much I feel I am missing overall and a speed demon compared to CC at my office.

  • Bennn0

    I tried h4cking CS6 this weekend and only have PSD+LR subscribed. That would have mean 14$/m instead of 78$/m ... (in canadian dollars) I didnt want to h4ck the whole thing.

    Its worked for some time but i started to have some bugs yesterday.... so i re-subscribed to the whole CC shit.

    I totally agree with all the points detritus wrote.

    They're laughing at us.

    • awemonospaced
    • So... you never owned a legit CS copy before?ETM
    • yes, paying CC since a few years nowBennn
    • you can hack cc man, just google mac torrents (assuming your on a mac)moldero
    • a guy this cheap doesn't own a mac ;)monospaced
    • doesn't benn know that adode CC is 50% to all mac users?Gnash
    • oh man why don't just ask first lol :D
      you can h4x the shit out of cc (like enabling updates and some cloud services lol)
  • oey-2

    Fuck Corel...anyone?

  • PonyBoy4

    I will grant you this (whiny bitches that you are)... There really isn't a 'hobby' solution for Adobe's professional digital tools like there is for more tangible professional crafts such as... woodworking (for example).

    Here in the States you can wander over to a Goodwill (or a pawn shop etc) and find last years Makita table saw for 1/3 the price this year's model... yet still comparable. Chisels, hammers... all that shit you can buy used / refurbished (like new but much cheaper).

    Same thing w/computers... refurbished yet like new in comparison to the 'latest' model. (can't remember the last time I bought a 'new' laptop from Apple)

    But when it comes to software there is no 'refurbished' option and 'last year's' model may not even work w/your OS.

    It sucks... but it kind of 'is what it is'. I guess If you're not willing to pay premium prices for premium hobbies... find another hobby. <3

    All that being said— buying used shit isn't exactly 'cheap'— it's just cheapER. Painting and drawing-like hobbies also comes to mind. If you don't mind your brush not flowing smoothly then by all means by cheap brushes and garbage paint / canvas etc... same thing goes for pastels / chalk / pen & ink etc... you get what you pay for... creative hobbies aren't cheap... ever. (FFS Look how much money you clowns dump into your cameras / lenses... I read the photography thread!! You are picking expensive hobbies!)

    You could always go back to being a student or a teacher and snaking that discount (which most students still whine about because today's college twat can barely fathom the idea of having a job while going to school)...

    But in all seriousness...

    STOP FUCKING WHINING!!! There is always 'Photoshop Elements'.

    • LOL!oey
    • lol Makita table sawmoldero
    • Makita, the Porsche of woodworking tools... the Adobe of table saws!!PonyBoy
    • (I obviously have no fcking clue what I'm talking about when it comes to working your wood but i think my point is about as obvious as an awl through your eye)PonyBoy
    • Affinity offers very good ps and ai alternatives for around $40 a pop. They are called photo and designerfourth
    • there certainly ARE hobby-level software packages available at a fraction of the cost (not nec. adobe), made exactly for hobbyists' needsmonospaced
    • +1 (I'm agreeing with you, btw)monospaced
    • but you kind of get what you pay for w/those 'hobby-level' tools... Adobe has it's frustrating moments but I've yet to see anything compare (corel or the like)PonyBoy
    • Makita sucks, I think they bought dewalt and thats why dewalt sucks now toomoldero
    • Way to miss the point entirely - in days gone by you COULD buy old software, on disc. Fucking hell.detritus
    • If you want to draw on your computer, you can use any cheap ass hobby-level drawing app you want, and buy it outright. Doesn't need to be Adobe.monospaced
    • Same goes for any other software digital tool. Get anything you want, but don't whine about software you can't afford and honestly, have no need for at all.monospaced
    • I think there is no harm in pirating it for private use. Adobe even benefits from it because it keeps their marketshare up.mekk
    • If you once turn a hobby into profession then you are already into Adobe software and some agency buys it for you.mekk
  • Bennn3

    I still think Adobe should drop their price or at least equal the US price in Canada instead of keeping currency conversion, that would be a start.

    And i still think they're laughing at us with a monthly payment for life... thats like 12,000$ for 20 years if they dont rise the price...

    They're giving us shitty upgrades with useless new features and tools.

    And, btw, i have all the rights to whine in the FUCK ADOBE! thread ...! PonyBoy...
    The threads called FUCK ADOBE! man, not I FUCKING LOVE ADOBE! You get it? That thread has been created to whine. Stop whining that we're whining.

    • +1111i_monk
    • Fuck cloud-based keep-paying-forever retail models.i_monk
    • it's a fucking protection racket, no more, no less. i will not upgrade to cc. ever. fuck you, adobe.hans_glib
    • You're whining because you post the same thing over and over and over and over again. We get it. You think it's too expensive. Move on.monospaced
  • Chimp0

    The door is wide open for a competitor to come in and steal some of the market share.

    Sketch has already done it with interaction design.

    • good luck paying the patent fees.sted
    • there are competitors for most of them - it's the fact you get the whole suite of apps for peanuts that makes them hard to beat.fadein11
    • steed's right. the biggest barrier to competition are the patents.Gnash
    • Does Affinity use their patents?i_monk
    • not sure, but it's not just the software they have patents on, it UI as well.Gnash
    • ie., Adobe's got a patent on Tabbed Tool Palettes.Gnash
    • Patents expire... I think adobe was fighting macromedia about the tabs 20years ago... that patent is probably done now.monNom
    • Funny how Adobe have ripped off Sketch. I wonder if Adobe have patented producing bloated over priced software.Chimp
    • Ripped off Sketch?? He?sted
  • PonyBoy-1

    • We dont want to know how you spend your afternoon man!Bennn
    • afternoons?... this is a 24/7 endeavor, my whiny lil friend. :)PonyBoy
  • Bennn1

    I just made a move. I have no more problems.

    • vague post. I don't believe you made a move.capn_ron
    • Bennnn's decided to become a hooker.detritus
    • So you are hacking it again?monospaced
    • No more problems.Bennn
    • so you found a way to not pay for professional software, congratsmonospaced
    • No more problems.Bennn
  • Bennn1

    No more FUCK ADOBE.

    Adobe CS6 is so quick, I love it!

    I dont know why I was sticking to CC... CS6 is like 2-3x faster.

    • no updates, ever. have fun with that.lvl_13
    • Everything works perfectly. I have a lot of fun. thanks.Bennn
    • who needs updates? still rocking cs3, all i need. FUCK ADOBE and their shitty protection racket.hans_glib
    • latest cracked CC's here (for mac)
    • btw that site keeps trying to get you to install a fake flash player, dont do it! that shit is a flash player like Yurimon has a jobmoldero
  • Hayoth0

    Missing photoshop links in the library, the document won't crop without them being relinked. :/

  • Gnash0

    Any of you CC subscribers using the Creative Cloud drive? (the 20GB one you get with the subscription).

    Problems or issues?

    • I use it to transfer files to myself, like any file sharing. The bonus is I can live preview any Adobe file online, which no other service allows.monospaced
    • ^ didn't know that. that's a good feature. just wondering if it's reliable enough to work on. doing some freelance that'll have me working on- and off-siteGnash
    • ... working on different computers. so it'd be handy.Gnash
    • yeah, and it lets clients view InDesign and Illustrator files, and others ... seems as reliable as any similar service I've ever usedmonospaced
    • I use it for my illustration work - the files are saved on your pc's drive so don't live exclusively in t'cloud. No problems whatsoever.face_melter
    • And you can download files in other formats if speed/time is an issue - PSD > JPG etc.face_melter
    • thanks for the feedback, gentsGnash
    • we use that to share the daily production files, and some shit. all goodsted
    • the service seems to be quite finicky about file namesGnash