taking a tumble

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    This winter, snowboarding with my brother.

    I was following his lead, and we reached some woods that looked real hairy. It was getting late, my legs were pretty much jello-ed, so I'm all "let's just split up here and I'll go around ..". He started calling me out so I just threw caution to the wind and ventured into the unknown darkness. I let him go ahead so I could try to follow his track, but soon he was out of site. Well wouldn't you know it was filled with boulders, rocks, logs and sketchy pathways everywhere. I bumped a log wrong, took a spill and tumbled down rag doll style for about a good 10 seconds—hitting shit the whole way. When I finally stopped I got up, and heard this faint "No! Don't go behind you!" But before I could even comprehend what was going on I fell backwards over this 10 foot or so cliff right onto my back. LUCKILY it was snow at the bottom and I was fine, but I never had the wind knocked so hard from me. When I finally made it out my brother was standing there, watching it all unfold, and laughing harder than I've ever seen him laugh. what a dick.

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