Kimbo v Roy BIG country Nelson

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    The sport in my humble opinion has greatly advanced and single skilled fighters like Kimbo Slice just simply cannot compete with the well round fighters like Machida or even the likes of Keith Jardine or Forest Griffin... However, Kimbo is a beast, could potentially knock out anyone in the octagon (including) Lesnar and kinda freak show... People want to see him fight... I originally thought after hearing he would be on the show, he'd be this ghetto ass ignorant non-committed fighter... Surprisingly, I think Kimbo, despite his loss is impressing some and making new fans (which makes him more marketable in the UFC). At first, I wanted to see him get his a$$ beat down (and was true to the sport), now I want to see him mentored and molded. He sounds like a decent guy, somewhat spiritual and such who just happens to have the ability to punch a hole through your face. My opinion of him has shifted from his tyson like celebrity fighting in the now folded XFC. I hope he does well and learns some ground game. On a side note, Rampage is a terrible coach (any and all season), but hilarious and entertaining. Glad they are focusing more on the fighters and the training than the side antics of people like Junie Browning and frat house like pranks.

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