Your Gym Workout

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  • mg330

    Invalid - I met with a nutritionist at my gym a month ago to just get the basics on a better diet. I felt like all my working out was to no benefit as I eat like a toilet.

    So, for the past month I've really, radically changed up my diet for the better. I weighed 189 in early January and I'm down to 180 now. I'm eating 5 - 6 times a day, having a good breakfast, and generally just avoiding crap food.

    I've felt AWESOME! Total 180 in terms of energy levels and alertness all day. My daily diet is generally considering of:

    Breakfast: 1/2 cup Oatmeal, 1tbsp of peanut butter mixed in with cinnamon and a 1/4 cup almonds (500 calories) Vitamins: multivitamin and Tonalin CL for fat burn / lean muscle gain

    Morning snack: An apple and an orange and a handful of almonds (150 - 300 calories)

    Lunch: A salad or some kind of healty sandwich unless I've made lunch for the week, which will be either sirloin steak, pork chops, or chicken, and colliflower or other vegetables. (500 - 600 calories) Vitamins: multivitamin and Tonalin CL for fat burn / lean muscle gain

    Afternoon snack: Energy bar and almonds (150 - 300 calories)

    Dinner: Vegetables and some kind of meat (500 calories), or, I sometimes skip dinner and just have a Muscle Milk drink and a protein bar after working out.

    It's been tough getting dinner in. I actually need to start keeping something quick at work, like Lean Cuisines so that I can eat around 6:00 pm and don't have to worry about it later at night after the gym.

    My calorie goal for the day is 1800.

    • Is it really worth taking vitamins twice in one day?lukus_W
    • as long as you eat smart, fresh fruit and veg, try and avoid processed foods and definately fried food, you'll get all the vitamins you need.Invalid
    • vitamins you need. and please stay away from lean cuisines and other crap. all gimmicks full of preservatives.Invalid

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