Explosions at Boston Marathon

Out of context: Reply #177

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  • CygnusZero40

    No unexploded bombs. Typical rumors, people making shit up so it can seem worse than it really is. I remember the same shit going on with 9/11. I heard a rumor that there were 15 hijacked plans to bomb every major city. Orly??


    "Officials Tuesday announced a twist in the probe: Suspicious packages that were detonated out of precaution were not explosive devices after all.
    After the blasts Monday, some officials reported that explosive devices that failed to go off were found.
    But investigators said Tuesday the only bombs were the two that exploded at the marathon.
    They were small, and initial tests showed no C-4 or other high-grade explosive material, suggesting the packages used in the attack were crude devices, a federal law enforcement official in the intelligence community said."

    • everyone dropped their bags when they ran - not rumours - loads of suspicious bags everywhere!fadein11
    • weed?74LEO

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