Sony Hacked

Out of context: Reply #72

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  • pr2-7

    It's kind of scary how so few of you who actively work in the media actually comprehend how propaganda really works and how everything we do influences the public opinion... Noone is claiming that this one movie is propagandizing anything but rather that this one film ALONG with 100s of others does influence our perception of the world.

    There is this study how French perceived American role in WWII... Right after the war only 1/3 of French people perceived America as the main force of victory in WWII, 60 years later something like 70% of people saw that... What could happen in those 60 years? Could it be the countless of American made WWII films that show American soldiers as Europe's saviors?

    This extends much further - not only the movies but a whole system of any country is designed to support the status quo of said country. Read headlines on any days from major newspapers around the world and see how the same issues is perceived (or rather sold to us) differently. Sometimes it's a subtle choice of words or even avoiding a necessary comma in the headline (i have some real life examples to prove it) that twists the perception of the one who doesn't have all the facts into certain sets of believes and patterns of thinking.

    • you're wrong, only the communist use propaganda!!!georgesIII

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