Adult ADHD

Out of context: Reply #20

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  • jtb260

    There's a big difference between people who just have poor concentration and those who actually have ADD. It's like people who like to keep their house clean and don't like dirt saying "I'm so OCD". They're not obviously, they're just being hyperbolic.

    For those with the actual disorder it's a much different story. It takes time and support for things like exercise and diet to work, and the trouble with many ADDers is that they have trouble forming the habits. Your brain works differently. Deciding you're going to exercise and eat better sounds easy for folks who don't have it because they don't have problems with impulse control, or they don't hyper focus on something else when they mean to go to the gym and then blow it off altogether because something else is stimulating their brain. So for some, if it means taking meds for a little while until they can get themselves under control and form the right habits I don't think that's the worst solution. I don't think treatment should ever be take two pills everyday and see how it goes. I think you need to build coping skills.

    In my case I'm lucky I have a girlfriend who is encouraging me to exercise and taking me a long with her. (Goes a long way). Unfortunately I say shit with out thinking about what I'm saying and hurts her feelings to often and it's been a big issue. I'm only now realizing that this may be my ADHD (again haven't been diagnosed since I was a child and need to be evaluated). She's not sure she can handle that part and I need to figure out a way to stay mindful in conversations and not let my focus drift.

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