Batman/Superman movie

Out of context: Reply #91

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  • CygnusZero4-3

    I know some people are into this Batman vs Superman bullshit from the comics, my stepdad being one of them, and I like a lot of Batman comics, but as soon as Superman shows up in a Batman comic I just roll my eyes. Why do they exist in the same world together?? Its so absurd, and the idea that Batman could ever compete with what is basically a god is one of the dumbest concepts that ever came out of comics.

    No one ever asked anyone to make a movie about this. My gf asked me the other day, "Why are they fighting, arent they both good guys?" I just shook my head and just said I have no idea. Its so dumb.

    • 6 bucks and my left nut says Chinfleck will have kryptonite gauntlets.DRIFTMONKEY
    • "Why are they fighting, arent they both good guys?" >> how is this a problem ? that's the point of the story.spl33nidoru
    • You're wrong, this is the movie the public wants. The question has been bothering comic fanboys since second grade, they need to know the answer.reanimate
    • No.CygnusZero4
    • In the comic, Superman does what he's told by the president. Batman does what he feels is right. Those opinions conflict, battle ensues.ETM
    • Batman's intellect overcomes superman's god-like strength. Something completely lost in the Nolan movies.digitdaily
    • People have been clamouring for a Dark Knight Returns dust up film since the moment the book was released.face_melter
    • Batman has Plan B backups for all the major DC characters in case they go bad. The one for Superman was provided by himself. That's how he competes - prep time.face_melter
    • Pretty sure I read this fight back in 1992monospaced

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