Wordpress Theme

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • pockets3

    you know themes are good but to be completely genuine you should build yours from the ground up (you are in the right direction), include child themes to customize your blood and sweat. the biggest helper in making a theme is the understanding of files, structure and call actions/functions.. if i could give you the biggest piece of gold in making a theme it would be this graph

    print it on canvas if you're are serious. i've been involved with wordpress for 17 year and still reference this image. wordpress might be complicated at first but you will learn its clay to do whatever you want..

    keep in mind wordpress is not a good cms to build a ecommerce sites on with over 400 products, you need something more robust like magento, but its defiantly a starting point into the ecommerce industry and can change your life if you fully understand wordpress (it will carry on to other cms's)

    before you get this far you got to reference comments above, css, html, php, java and general call actions in the worpress structure are something you must learn or understand before jumping head first.

    wordpress can be a big piece of clay-dough if you understand the structure and the code that goes along with it..

    if anything reference the Wordpress Discussion thread for help

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