The Blender 3D thread

Out of context: Reply #36

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  • Hayzilla0

    My biggest stumbling block in blender (tried twice) is actually the views. I can't ever seem to zoom in/out and navigate around the scene. I know I'm a complete moron. I've literally started a third time this morning and am minutes away from giving up because I can't zoom in and out on my thing. And Google can't help.

    • When I start a blank I can zoom in and out and around the square. How do I get back to that setting? There is a 'load factory defaults' but deletes everythingHayzilla
    • haven't used it in years but tried 2.8 yesterday and it confused the fuck outta me. every tutorial is for <2.7 or they don't explain key commands they use tokingsteven
    • change views, could do with a good intro to 2.8 views & controls video... managed to do what needed done (creating a depth map for terrain) and very impressedkingsteven
    • Hit . on the numpadBeeswax
    • Get a three button mouse. Middle mouse(scroll wheel press) rotates, scroll wheel zoom in out. Ctrl+MMB smooth zoom.monNom
    • In 2.8 you can click the xyz widgets to change views. Or hit 1/3/7 on numpad to do front left top. Hold ctrl 1/3/7 to get back right bottom. 5 toggles ortho modmonNom
    • 4/2/6/8 rotate view. 0 sets view to active camera. Ctrl 0 sets the selected object as the active camera. Jumped +/- zoom in out.monNom
    • Everything is mapable under Edit > preferences > input / navigation / keymapmonNom
    • Oh and I use 2.7 settings, so there may be some things that aren't exactly how I described. Suggest you install 2.79 to learn from tutorials for now.monNom
    • Oh fuck. @Beeswax with the shortest note yet hit the fucking nail on the head man. Nice. Thanks.Hayzilla

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