Intellectual Dark Web

Out of context: Reply #99

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  • yuekit7

    I was never a fan of Jordan Peterson but damn...this is a rather grim turn of events.…

    • Apparently he’s had a serious drug addiction for a long time, went into a coma and now can barely function.yuekit
    • Dear Mr self-help guru, Rule #6 "Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world."Khurram
    • Theres no mention of a comacannonball1978
    • first paragraph: "Jordan Peterson is recovering from a severe addiction to benzodiazepine tranquilizers and was recently near death in an induced coma"PonyBoy
    • Oh i played the video didnt read my badcannonball1978
    • Oh no. Another fucking idiot idol of the alt-right that has fomented discord in my country is on Death's door. Darn. Dang. Shoot.garbage
    • lol here we gocannonball1978
    • alt right? lol. man it's scary how easily opinions of this guy has been skewed by media spin.inteliboy
    • Wasn't his wife really ill with cancer? I think that's how he got on the gear.PhanLo
    • alt right? it's scary that someone that continually preaches anti marxism and modern conservatism calls himself a classic liberal and people believe himkingsteven
    • @kingsteven. Why is it scary? And how is it that you KNOW the truth about what he believes better than he does?Morning_star
    • I wouldn't call him alt right necessarily. Maybe a reactionary social conservative self help guru?yuekit
    • i was just mimicking inteliboys reply to the comment that he's an idol of the alt-right. no one has called him alt-right. he's a centrist who's need forkingsteven
    • promotion has skewed his own beliefs by allowing the right wing (who share his anti hard left beliefs) to promote him.kingsteven
    • ie. someone who aligns themselves liberal, denigrates postmodernism on the left but will cosey up to the trumps on shared political beliefs isn't worth a wank.kingsteven
    • Understood. I catch your drift.Morning_star
    • He's just sick of all these trannies running around getting him to call them he, she, they and whatnot. And you know what?? So am I!!!Khurram
    • A "charlatan" who gives "the most elementary fatherly life-advice" while adding "convolutions to disguise the simplicity of his mind".Khurram
    • Rule #12 "Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street."Khurram
    • That’s crazy, “Russians have the guts to get people off meds where North American doctors treat them with more meds” I can imagine him being restrained by a 300_niko
    • Lb orderly named Olga. “Vhat kind man are you? Stop crying” lol_niko
    • Another rule - "God created Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve!"Khurram
    • How come women get to show off their toes and men can't??? Then they complain about getting called sweetheart!!!Khurram
    • Lobsters don't take druuuugszBonSeff
    • To be fair I don’t mind him at all, he’s a blowhard a lot of the time but he’s quite entertaining._niko
    • Gotta love the self-righteous schadenfreude :)Gnash
    • People who insult him on a personal level are people incapable of countering his discourse.hotroddy
    • This is very sad. I like prof. Peterson's messages for the most part. I dont agree with everything he says but calling him alt right is just not accurate..eryx
    • Anything that I have watch or listened to has nothing to do with racism or hate. He might be pompous or arrogant at times but tell me guys like Bill Marh aren'teryx
    • He is at times very critical of the left and that is what I like. I hope he makes a fully recovery and gets back into public life.eryx
    • He's a misogynist.BonSeff
    • LolGnash
    • expectedBonSeff
    • He'd take away my rights if he could, so fuck him. Imagine the gall of a drug addict telling people how to behave and structure society.i_monk
    • what rights would he be taking from you? the ability to refer yourself with a feminine pronoun?hotroddy
    • Yeah I hope he turns out OK, but hard to escape the conclusion that the guy was literally high on drugs while lecturing people about morality.yuekit
    • No one called him alt right!kingsteven
    • He should have ate some vegetables.PhanLo
    • JP's message is about language and living in biological reality. He could give two fucks who you marry or put your dick in. Words count to the man...PonyBoy
    • ... he (like many) are fucking tired of folks demanding legislation that does nothing more than accommodate one's feelings cuz someone got your gender wrong.PonyBoy
    • JP is a bore, and his fans are arsehole that use his erratic far spanning, vintage philosophy of the world to reinforce their narrow minded viewskingsteven
    • king—is being against both speech and thought control (to the point of legislation) a 'vintage philosophy'? Do my feelings override your right to free speech?PonyBoy
    • Have you even read any of his work donkeyboi? His "12 Rules for Life" - the work that made him wealthy beyond his wildest dreams.Khurram
    • I slogged through that shite last summer. The most insipid piece of Christian moralising, that I've ever read. Godawful book.Khurram
    • If all he was, was a crusader against identity politcs, ala JK Rowlings or Lionel Shriver, he would have an audience in me.Khurram
    • I'm an old skool feminist and have struggled to accept trans-issues into my politico-ethical framework.Khurram
    • well as safe spaces, "cultural appropriation", micro-agressions - it's all bollocks to me.Khurram
    • But he's more than that. He writes about living a perfect moral life, an "antidote to chaos." I gave him a fair shot, trust me.Khurram
    • It's sad when we react to mental health with mockery and drug addiction is fucking serious and can afflict anyone.Khurram
    • I have ample personal experience with this and I'm completely sympathetic with anyone who goes through this hell.Khurram
    • But somone who gets rich as a self-help guru but fails to live up to the basic tenets of what he proselytises...Khurram
    • A clinical psychologist apparently so utterly naive to the dangers of benzodiazepines...Khurram
    • That's a complete failure of his public image - an image I find very distasteful.Khurram
    • Khurram... that's his own personal morality but he doesn't toss it on you nor does he demand legislation demanding you live by his way of life.PonyBoy
    • So if that means he's going to shut the fuck up now and his fans are going to be without their posterboy. Then great!Khurram
    • If you find his books to be 'insipid' etc... nobody is demanding legislation that you read it. JP can write his books and preach his ways all fucking day long..PonyBoy
    • ... just as those on the complete opposite spectrum can do just the same. That's called free speech. Legislating laws demanding someone...PonyBoy
    • Great point PonyBoy!Khurram
    • ... use specific words merely to protect one's feelings (as your feelings don't override actual biological science) however is BS. And we agree. Yes?PonyBoy
    • And he does have an issue where i put my dick. He's ranted ad nauseum against people choosing to live non-monogamous lifestyles. He can fuck off with that.Khurram
    • Cuz that's all I'm getting at. If you don't like him because he writes books about shit that helped him become who he is—well—don't read his fucking books :)PonyBoy
    • Yes we do agree. Good point!Khurram
    • Khurram... his issue w/where you put your dick isn't up for legislation. Those books you keep mentioning are his own beliefs of which nobody is forced to read.PonyBoy
    • Understanding who he is / what drives him (the shit you read in his books) doesn't dismiss his reasoning that feelings shouldn't override facts / reality.PonyBoy
    • Meaning: Stop trying to legislate labels... else I'm going to demand everyone refer to me as PonyMan from now on (I'd accept DonkeyMan too)PonyBoy
    • @Khurramm can I refer you to 25:33 in a specific youtube video where he reinforces my views... oh wait you trad his book? What about my freedom of speech!kingsteven
    • says a lot about the state of the media where someone as tepid as Peterson can muster up this much opinion. he says some good stuff, some bad stuff. wow!inteliboy
    • He's a misogynist.BonSeff
    • LolGnash
    • Wtf.. self-help, beef diet.. are people normal anymore?maquito
    • I can't understand why people are so triggered by Peterson. He's basically saying the sort of advice your grandpa would give you. Why the vitriol?monNom
    • Unexamined groupthinkGnash
    • If you don't know his affiliation with the alt-right, you don't know much about the history of the alt-right.garbage
    • He was heralded by them as a bastion of braininess around the time of Gamergate. Then he was mildly critical of Trump, and is now self-described as "alt-light"garbage
    • In the end he's an arrogant idiot with a efficient platform to foment hatred and lies to people even less intelligent than him. So yeah, have a nice coffin.garbage
    • Wonder what Ben Shapiro thinks about all this.PhanLo
    • Silly Phanlo. Ben Shapiro isn't capable of thought.garbage
    • Garbage, Why is he an idiot?Morning_star
    • lol. being addicted to jellies was the only vaguely interesting thing about him. fuck him.face_melter
    • You call him alt-right because you were told he is or because he criticizes the left. That doesnt automatically make him rightwing, idiots.cannonball1978
    • lol @facemelter. Intellectual heavyweight, drug taking lightweight.PhanLo
    • Maybe people that paint him alt right forget that he’s Canadian.They feel they need to put him in one of two American ideological buckets._niko
    • At least with all the time off, he'll have plenty of time to tidy his room.PhanLo
    • hotroddy he's on record against my right to marry and adopt. Fuck him.i_monk
    • @morningstar He's a champion of incels everywhere because he's actually argued for "enforced monogamy" because it will keep women in line and men from being badgarbage
    • @cannonball I don't know why I bother responding to you because in this thread I explained why he's no longer a sweetheart of the alt-right.garbage
    • The IDW / alt-light is a band of pseudo intellectuals that came together when they didn't appear to bend the knee to Trump.garbage
    • But they were a valuable asset to the movement 2015-2016 during the election cycle because they were lauded in ways like "Hey this professor said this".garbage
    • And maybe you weren't paying attention, but they were the sweethearts that they felt gave validity to the alt-right movement at the time.garbage
    • So yeah, I'm not on some reactionary "aww he hurt my feelings because somebody told me so" trip. You're misinformed, and have no grasp of political nuance.garbage
    • Correction, Peterson was the one ranting about "enforced monogamy". Off the top of my head, Shapiro has said dumb things like "America wasn't built on slavery".garbage
    • These twats are interchangeable.garbage
    • @ Garbage He has never argued for enforced monogamy, ever.…
      So, why is he an idiot?
    • ^^ you just posted, exactly why he's an idiot. Did you even listen to that?Khurram
    • Sounds like a fucking idiot.Khurram
    • Holy fuck this guys the best. Rants about his objection to enforced gender pronouns but advocates enforced monogamy lol_niko
    • @garbage that's all just stuff you're saying. Your "sweethearts" thing's a streeeeetch, also just something you're saying. Essentially, immaterial shit-talking.cannonball1978
    • Enforced monogamy thing? Not advocating for enforcement by law, but drawing comparison between social norms, effecting how relationship opportunities play out.cannonball1978
    • Look, the guy's work has been always from a principal base of helping people, however you take his "political" positions.cannonball1978
    • But it's really kind of pointless to discuss. You are certain, and ready to shit-talk the point to death with whatever he-said she-said reasons you have.cannonball1978
    • Cannonball and Morningstar lack basic reading comprehension skills: Confirmed.garbage
    • And yes, I will proudly talk shit. Fucking idiots like you have led to political movements that are going to bury this country if left unchecked.garbage
    • #snowflakegarbage
    • Well at least you're aware thats all you are doing.cannonball1978
    • Case in point: you aren't informed about anything pertaining to what is "like me".cannonball1978
    • Garbage, you seem irrationally fearful and emotional with regard to opinions that don't align with yours or you don't understand. Why is that?Morning_star
    • When you have defend him with "he's allowed to say it, you don't have to read it" you've conceded the debate.i_monk
    • They're not even trying to defend him at this point. "Intellectual Dark Web" my arse lolKhurram
    • Why would he need defending?Morning_star
    • Ha, fearful? Sorry that I'm not handling your lack of argument with kid's gloves.garbage
    • I've no issue getting into the weeds with you on this. What would you like to arguing about? Make your point.Morning_star
    • (In case people want to have a real discussion)cannonball1978
    • I already have. You obviously can't read. Yawn.garbage
    • By point, Garbage means his own unsubstantiated shit-talking. And Morningstar is referring to whether there are substantiated points.cannonball1978
    • (Which there are none)cannonball1978
    • Um yeah, I totally didn't give you a basic history of the development of the IDW and how they were championed by the alt-right and then dumped because they..garbage
    • ..weren't quite stupid enough. Then you got your feelings hurt because I pointed out that you're being obtuse.garbage
    • Thanks for teaching me that the most boring personality type possible requires thin skin and a thick skull. Yaaaaaaaawn.garbage
    • You're amusing. It would be nice to discuss some of the ideas raised by IDW but you seem to completely miss the point and focus on the person. You're probably..Morning_star
    • ...the type who would take the piss out of Stephen Hawkins disability rather than consider his ideas. I bet you think Einstein had a stupid haircut.Morning_star
    • Thats not "a history" nor was it comprehensive or informed by anything. It was just you saying things as if they were factual instead of some shit-talking.cannonball1978
    • Like, even the yawning is pretty unsophisticated, pal. At some point you have to be an adult and communicate with people who think differently than you.cannonball1978
    • And that requires a discussion where you prove your points instead of trotting out someone else's loose associative arguments about "alt right sweetheart"cannonball1978
    • or whatever. and that would require you to come up with your own ideas. These aren't your ideas. They don't pass the smell test. You could be replaced withcannonball1978
    • pretty much anyone else who uses this "guilty by proxy" reasoning. I know because I've seen this "sweetheart" term deployed elsewhere by others.cannonball1978
    • Just think for yourself, man. And if you disagree, disagree on your own terms, not someone else's. I dont agree with Peterson on some points, but I sure as heckcannonball1978
    • don't try to re-characterize him to better suit my argument or personal political agenda. Especially if the guy has made his lifes work in the name of helpingcannonball1978
    • people, and then is in the middle of some fucked up personal hell.cannonball1978
    • Case in point: I don't necessarily agree that polyamorous relationships fuck up the natural order. But I also know he WASNT advocating for legal enforcement.cannonball1978
    • Serious question: Can you read? I even addressed how the IDW has made an effort to distance themselves from the alt-right after it became a bad look.garbage
    • Nobody said he was saying WE NEED TO MAKE EVERYONE GET MARRIED. It's more that he has a medium to telegraph that idea.garbage
    • His idealism is a time machine to the 50's & 60's. This patriarchy bullshit he preaches is a dead scene. Women are smartBonSeff
    • Sorry if they don't want to fuck youBonSeff
    • I’m sure your doing great…
    • Alright everyone, that's a wrap! Thank you for the dramatic reenactment of the classic Wondermark Sea Lion strip:…i_monk

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