
Out of context: Reply #1044

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  • dkoblesky2

    Instagram is fascinating to me. It is the ten ton gorilla. I cannot imagine what can displace it, but something will, probably in the 2-3 years.

    One reason for sure is the hate that it is beginning to get from people for no real reason - except maybe just association with Facebook. Instagram has avoided that for a long time....but now it says 'powered by Facebook' when you start the app....whoops! and I see comments in this thread that are like comments about Facebook from a few years ago.

    I still like Instagram, because it is the best way to view, in one place, the work of almost ALL artists, illustrators, motion designers, and photographers. Everyone in on IG, so it is a one stop shop for reviewing work you like and seeing new things and getting inspiration. And the interface is still good - keeping the image primary, keeping junk out of your eyes.

    But change is in the air.

    • If you like endless selfies, ads galore and videos of cats sniffing their ass...than Instagram is your platform.utopian
    • If you're into that shit then that's the shit that will always show on your feed regardless of the platform.
      Own it.
    • No. It's a platform you didn't filter in any way if you're seeing selfies and cats.CyBrainX
    • I disagree completely about the interface. You can't even upload from a desktop, can't max anything, everything is dumbed down with no control.CyBrainX
    • But i agree about it being the best place to see great work.CyBrainX
    • I only see what I followed, stuff I'm interested in. +1 dkobleskyfadein11
    • @cy - it's a mobile app, it's not trying to be flickrfadein11
    • illustrators are not on flickrdkoblesky
    • You could say the same about YouTubeIanbolton
    • tik tokApeRobot
    • It’s a great place to see creative work but it’s not very deep and doesn’t stimulate any longer forms of conversation apart from emojis.Chimp
    • @dk, my point is it's primarily a mobile app, it;s not really trying to be desktop / web based. Never has been. Cy seemed to think it was.fadein11
    • @fadein11 Not trying to be Flickr is the problem. Flickr is a photographer's dream. no limits on anything, every detail from EXIF, albums, collection, etc.CyBrainX

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