
Out of context: Reply #52

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  • PhanLo1

    Seeing how much joy he got working on the movie makes the next point strange. Years later, in 2011, the designer filed a complaint for plagiarism of his series "The Incal" in the movie "The Fifth Element".

    "The designer Moebius and publisher Humanoids Associates today have lost their lawsuit against Luc Besson and Gaumont they accused of having infringed the comic 'The Incal' in the movie 'The Fifth Element' released in 1997. The plaintiffs complained of 'borrowings under clear, the scenery, scenes, characters and graphics and scriptwriting to Incal.' They demanded 13.1 million for unfair competition, 9 million in damages and 2-5% of net operating revenue of the film. The writer of comics, Alexandro Jodorowsky, also called 700,000 euros. The high court, however, gave reason for Luc Besson who considered that the applicants' claims that were not based 'on tiny fragments of the work' cartoon. It has however rejected the 100,000 euros in damages requested by the director for abuse of process." - Toutenbd (Translated from French)


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