Burning Man

Out of context: Reply #763

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  • Beeswax7

    Back from Burningman last saturday. We left in the afternoon, waited for about 4 hours to leave, not so bad compared to sunday, monday exodus.

    Last time I was there was 2007 and 35k people have attended.

    Things that I think have changed in the last 15 years.

    - It's fucking big. The total area felt much more bigger, once dark horizons now filled with light and that's very disorienting (and kind of fun)

    - It's becoming less bikeable. Not only because you have to pedal much more also the roads are shit caused by all the vehicle traffic.

    - Because of that e-bikes are a good choice, but fuckers are driving those at 15-20mph in jam packed areas or dust storms and pose a serious threat.

    - Bros, fratboys, pissers, shitters, weekenders used to come towards the weekend, now everyone is there on Monday because they start building the city from the previous week.

    - Last time I was there our cellphones didn't have cameras, there was no instagram or facebook. With social media came posers and people who don't really care about principles like leave no trace. Witnessed many were using this unique geological area as their ash tray. Their mecca is Mayan Warrior.

    - If there was wind there was a lot of dust because of powdered surface by 80k people, if there was no wind this time horribly toxic air caused by generators, vehicles & burning stuff settled in the valley. If you have asthma you're fucked. My lungs were hurting towards the end.

    I still think it's a very unique experience, so much fun despite struggles, very magical because people care and share, but I think 80k is not sustainable.
    I wish they had capped at 40k. It was no less interesting or fun when there was a lot less people.

    here is me during our psychedelic art walk

    and the nice puppy I got to ride

    • Sounds like a worthwhile adventure!mort_
    • Thanks for the recap. I was there in 2006. Comparing the pictures I can tell it's massive nowadayszaq
    • that's awesome man. I want to go so badly but feel I've missed the boat or there's something like what it used to be somewhere else._niko
    • what would you say the age range is btw?_niko
    • hard to say. Maybe 35. But the spectrum there is really wide. I've seen 3 to 74. You def. didn't miss the boat. have to say its better at this age.Beeswax
    • Nice pics :)toemaas
    • That puppy wagon looks like it rocks back and forth.CyBrainX

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