Proud dads...

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  • DaveO13

    My boys are now 6 and 8.

    I really struggled with the early years; the babies, all the 'apparatus', the lack of sleep and freedom to do basic things with my time with any degree of ease. EXACTLY two years between them meant that we basically had 5/6 years of very small kids, which does grind you down when you're living in new york with no family around.

    Now they're really coming into their own. They get up and make their own breakfast. They get obsessed with building lego stuff one day, playing football the next and then making fresh pasta with me.

    They're great hangs, and i sometimes find myself wanting to text them funny stuff that I see, or jokes that come into my head, or generally just to see what they're up to. They don't have phones yet but its really funny to see what sort of relationship we might have as their sense of humor develops.

    I guess the best part is that there's so much more LIFE to have with them, both the ups and down, the routines and the adventures.

    It took me a while, but i think i finally love being a dad.

    • congrats, you're riding the wave early. From strictly a son's perspectve- I imagine it gets betterhotroddy
    • Thats great to hear. I known it cant be easy on men. Its not for women either, but we spent more time preparing for it.shellie
    • :.)Nairn
    • Keep at it and enjoy it, it only gets better. My boys are 2 years apart as well now 15 and 17 and every day it’s something new and wonderful with them._niko
    • It’s also bittersweet because my eldest might be heading off to university next year so we’re trying to squeeze the most out of our time together as a family._niko
    • So yeah enjoy these golden years with your sons._niko
    • Boy 4 and girl 6 here. That's pretty funny what you said about wanting to text them funny shit from through the day when you're apart.microkorg
    • I've thought exactly the same too. haha.
      It is a LOT easier when they start getting self-sufficient making breakfast etc and keeping themselves amused.
    • My boys are almost 6 and almost 2 now. It’s amazing seeing my older son developed into an amazing person and how different my younger one truly is.monospaced
    • You're suggesting your 2 year old's a cunt? A bit harsh.Nairn
    • I know your'e joking, but no man, not at all. Have another child and you'll see, it's amazing the differences, and equally as amazing of a personmonospaced

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