Israel bombing shit..

Out of context: Reply #1187

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  • Ramanisky20

    Yoav Gallant - Israeli Defense Minister

    • Their response is beyond excessive. th eamount of 'collateral damage' coming out of their tehse last two days has been utterly horrid to see...Nairn
    • ...and the knot in my stomach suggests we haven't even seen the beginnings of it.Nairn
    • Jesus Christ, I'm tired today. Ignore typos and complete mis-spellings.Nairn
    • "beyond excessive"? nearly 1000 died by the terrorists and hundreds abducted. What are they supposed to do? Hamas is around/ next to civiliansNBQ00
    • IDF is going to invade Gaza in the coming 12-24hrs, we haven't seen nothing yet. Thanks to Hamas. What did they think would happen?NBQ00
    • I'm not overly happy at the killing of completely innocent civilians on either side, strangely.Nairn
    • Seeing entire famliies lying in shrouds in morgues, covered in concrete dust because they were too close to some Hamas asset doesn't make anything right.Nairn
    • Of course it's not cool. But so is not killing 250+ innocent people at a music festival, raping the women before executing them and many other civilians.NBQ00
    • There is literally no evidence so far of rapes. Stop parroting speculation and rumour - people are vastly misinterpreting things they don't understand.Nairn
    • I mean just think about it - you have a small window of opportunity in you operation before you martyr yourself - are you really going to start fucking people?Nairn
    • I hope I'm not proven wrong, but literally every avenue I've checked in support of the accusation has led to the same stupid dead-endsNairn
    • 2 million Palestinians in Gaza will suffer horrendously for the actions of a few. No water, food, electricity...and the EU has cut off funding, fucking hell._niko
    • Dude there are tons of witness reports from the festival. And over 250 killed. That's at the festival alone. Get your head out of the sand.NBQ00
    • Here…NBQ00
    • I've actually spent way too many hours looking into this, and beyond a single witness report* from the festival, I've seen nothing to support the accusations.Nairn
    • * entirely unsubstantiated at that.Nairn
    • If you have something approaching a named first person account or footage, please share.Nairn
    • To put the lives of every citizen at risk is excessive, cutting off all of their supplies. Most are just regular peace abiding citizens.monospaced
    • NBQ, giddy cheerleader for war crimes! get your pom-poms out your complete fucking ghoul.face_melter
    • Ah yes Hamas verstehers in the house. Doesn't matter what war crimes they do it's always Israel's faultNBQ00
    • Nobody said that.monospaced
    • It's much simpler when everything is black and white. Except, it's really not.Nairn
    • I don't agree with the guy in the video by the way. It's unfortunate that civilians are suffering. But something must be done. And take out Hamas finallyNBQ00
    • NBQ stop eating it up. A lot of us in support of Palastinians since before Hamas took power. It is not a nation of terrorists or a tit for tat battle.kingsteven

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