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  • kingsteven4

    chat-gpt just made me this plugin to temporarily get round the final boss youtube adblock until i find a better solution

    it's very simple, just loads the video embed in an iframe (like it would be embedded on QBN) but does it within the youtube site

    worked out a few bugs but i imagine there will be plenty more (vids with embedding disabled etc.) but does the job for me…

    • *chrome extensionkingsteven
    • I get a 404bulletfactory
    • Oh weird, Im guessing that's due to the anon repo I set upkingsteven
    • this version is v buggy on anything but vanilla YT urls. did some small updates on my version last night...kingsteven
    • I've also been through the YT/Google/App Store terms and don't think this is against ToS so I may try and publish and seekingsteven
    • IDK if they plan to roll out ad block block on the embedded player... Id say that would piss off a lot of creators, but this is a v obvious workaround...kingsteven
    • Thanks King. I've downloaded it. Umm what do I do with the .js files in the folder? I went to look at your page again for instructions but its gone.HAYZ1LLLA
    • https://www.dropbox.…

      newer version
    • just open manage extensions, enable, developer mode and click "load unpacked" and select the folder (wherever you want to put it)kingsteven
    • its still working well, i changed it to position the player absolute above the existing youtube player which works more reliably but occasionally when youtubekingsteven
    • decides not to block me it plays the video behind. so just remember how to switch it on and off!kingsteven
    • i should really figure out a better way to check if the video has been loadedkingsteven
    • Thanks for the clarity. All installed okay but as you say, doesn't work on any of the videos I've watched yet as they all have ads during, not at the start.HAYZ1LLLA
    • yeah, they seem to have made the change to only block pre-roll recently. i was really hoping the ad blockers would have sorted it out by now.kingsteven
    • twitch has had a war against blockers for years now, there's not a month goes by where they don't adjust their code to break the ad blockers...kingsteven
    • i guess YT will employ a similar technique (make it such a pain in the ass to block that you just take the ads)kingsteven
    • Yea or buy YT Premium.HAYZ1LLLA
    • haha, never. i'm finding it just works to turn the blocker off and on now which is fine without the plugin.kingsteven

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