
Out of context: Reply #75576

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  • hans_glib8

    we're on a weeks galavanting oop north in the peak district (never been always wanted to go) and i have found the holy grail... or nearly.

    for decades now i have been the mad wanderer in the desert accosting passers by and telling them of the time when caffs used to make bacon sarnies with the famed collar bacon. they would just nod their head and mutter "ok grandad" and hurry their kids away as i shouted after them that it was indeed true. but there was no collar bacon to be found. i cried on the shoulder of a local butcher and he said he had indeed heard of such a thing but felt it must simply be a legend from old as no-one ever asked for it. "i think you could make your own if i get you a boston butt" he promised. sadly, once cured said boston butt was close but not teh mighty collar.

    but all is not lost, for t'other day i ventured into a derbyshire butcher and enquired if they had ever heard of the famèd bacon. "by 'eck, lad i'm only slicing some now!" quoth he, "ow mooch are ye after?"

    trembling with anticipation, i indicated a couple of inches depthwith my thumb and forefinger, and lo! the mighty meat was placed before me! a choir of angels descended and sang a hallelujah chorus. so i took it home and made a bacon sarnie... but wait what was this travesty??? no rind? most of the fat cut off? hell's teeth, my quest is not yet over. i must return to said butcher, or seek out another, and plead with him to see the error of his ways, and to let me have the collar complete with rind and fat.

    but by god it tasted proper.

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