I LOVE microsoft

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  • 42 Responses
  • petzi0

    M$ up my ass.

  • Danski0

    MrDinky, you raise good points. However I feel that the intent was to make money and destroy the competition. That's it. Anyjobs we got out of it were surely cosmic fallout and entirely unintentional. Either that or we were supposed to use FrontPage.

  • ershinn0

    I'm really glad you like Microsoft Windows XP.

    I like it cause its new, shiney, and... its fun to try and find things to do on it that Jaguar doesn't do better...in between the crashes I mean.

    Seriously, sounds like I am being sarcastic. I guess part of me is, but I grew up on the platform. Born on a VIC-20 but that's besides the point. Actually I probably shouldn't blame Microsoft for all the crashes, I probably have a bad CD-RW and/or HardDrive.

    I have to reinstall the silly thing every 2 months. On an "Install Day" I have to attempt an install anywhere from 5 to 31 tries cause everytime theres a file or two not found from the Install CD (never the same one - always a different file); hence the term "Install Day". A few times its copied all the files from the CD without a hitch, but alas after it restarts into an actual GUI interface to copy the last of the files and set the last of the settings...*blip*...*ping*... crash... and lastly gives me an error about not having a bootable disk or lacking a certain .dll file. Its in Japanese so, phht.

    Right now it works...without the ability to install a driver for my sound card albeit. Its missing a usr???.dll file.

    I can't read the installation instructions, but I've memorized the sequence of button pushing. On the other hand, the only thing I remember about the Jaguar installation was the liquid rippling around during the GUI (where 'G' actually stands for graphical) interface.

    Jaguar stays on for months at a time. I'd be a happier person if WinXP would stay on for more than 2 hrs streight. It may sound like I'm biased against the PC, but actually I'm not. By all rights I could have mentioned that the time I was actually bored enough to boot up the PC and just sit next to it and time how long it stayed active - it managed to stay a float for a total of 42min 14.38sec... The average was much less but I thought it would be unfair to count the two prior attempts that crashed as I logged on.

    I know its just me, I PREY it's just me. Would never EVER wish this upon anyone else. I'm thinking about buying a new harddrive, CD-RW, and a GeForce4 TI. But I don't feel like investing anymore on this thing.

    If anyone could help me on making my WinXP a stable platform I would be extremely greatful. But ye who pointeth me towards MS Knowledge Base (oxymoron in itself) shall recieve a right wise blow to thign noggin.

    Here's a thought though. Microsoft should make it a point to have the Knowledge Base geared more towards Mac users, cause I only go there with my Mac, trying to trouble shoot the PC that ISN'T working well enough to search the internet.

    Seriously though, I need help.
    I have a Dell Dimensia 4300
    512mb RAM
    nVidia GeForce3 MX
    SantaCruz TurtleBeach sound card
    HardDrive unknown
    CR-RW/DVD-ROM unknown
    ...because low price is sooooo important ha ha.

    "Windows eXPerience? You bet!"

  • mrming0

    I'm about to swap my PC for a G4 not because the hardware is any better, but because it will free me from Bill.

  • ershinn0

    I'm sorry to sound like I'm blasting your thread, but if it makes you feel better...Those are beautiful pieces you've done on your site. QuickTime bits...

    Very, very nice.

  • MrDinky0

    yeah thats correct. main purpose to be include it in to OS and package it as complete solution was to create market gaps between the competition.

    yes it was borderline illegal and not ethical (also adding OS to the computer packages). but at the end we benefit from it as consumers and workers.

    imagine a world where there were 10 different OSs and Browsers to comply to. man it would be a nightmare. since 95% (arugementive %) of the world run windows, we are ok to base most of our work on IE. It is very hard to find a person who uses Mac who are not somewhat connected to creative or technical community.

    At the end, everyone is out to make money. i wish everyting was free and everyone got paid but not the reality. I say dont hate MS cause it is making alot of money. If Adobe or Macromedia or even Apple was that big, they would get treated the same (like AT&T).

    If you dont like MS products, tell them what is wrong. I have participated in their user forums, userbility test and comments. Or better yet, try to work for them and change with in. They have one of the best design shops.

  • Danski0


    We've had standards for HTML and web development for years. However microsoft insists on developing it's own proprietary technologies alongside this. The message is clear : develop microsoft code OR develop netscape/opera code. VBscript anyone? It just pisses me off is all. Netscape's just as bad, mind, nobody actually supports standard HTML but everyone suports these strange pseudo languages that overlap somewhere in the middle. /rant.

  • df1notfound0

    My 3 pc's are the only computers I didn't grow to really love, only Amiga's and Mac's have managed to do that :)

  • mitsu0

    "We've had standards for HTML and web development for years. However microsoft insists on developing it's own proprietary technologies alongside this"

    this is a pretty narrowminded, if not simply a very uneducated statement.

    ie-only features were not put there to give netscape or the w3c the digital finger. they were put there to give windows developers the opportunity to build robust applications. someone who doddles in photoshop all day wouldn't understand this, i suppose.

  • angelus350

    This is starting to resemble a Mac vs. PC thread but just to add my opinion on the actual thread title "I LOVE microsoft"... So do I.. That's all, thanks for your time.

  • Danski0


    I'm merely expressing my frustration at the way different browsers seem to parse code in entirely different ways. IE, for example, displays unusual sensitivity to spaces in markup code, whereas netscape is incredible sensitive about table structure. Just an example.

    I always develop for both major browsers, but lately i've noticed it becoming much more difficult as standards diverge in a blatant attempt to force the user towards one brand of browser.

    Furthermore, I do not simply spend time "doddling around in photoshop" as you put it, but spend a great deal of time working on web projects. Therefore, it is not that I do not understand, but merely that I do not like what I see happening. Flame me if you like. (oops, you already did)

  • mitsu0

    "Flame me if you like."

    sorry for coming across so strong, i just tire of complaining. i understand the frustration of cross-browser development. i'm just thankfull i don't do it anymore.

  • Danski0

    *peace pipe

    Fuck it. Our (and more specifically, my) bitching in this thread will change nothing.

    Let's all evolve a little. Step one : call others "puny human".

  • mitsu0

    i like your site by the way, Danski... very refreshing

  • Danski0

    Thankyou dude, kind words indeed.

    Isn't everything so much nicer after the peace pipe's been round?

  • peanuts0

    microsoft i think is made for typing jobs and stuff. i use microsoft. microsoft isnt just "fit" for the design jobs. and my xp hangs a lot. sometimes crappy.

  • lament0

    LOL ershinn.

    i read your drivel all the way through because, well, you took a lot of time on it, and although I'm a PC guy, I did get a kick out of your post.

    i would love to spew forth all the Mac problems I've had when I used one at work, but i won't.

    let me say this: if you're having install problems from the beginning, then shit's not going to work right for you - don't you think? that solves half of your complaints right there.

    it's obvious that since you have a Dell, which comes pre-installed with an OS, that it didn't come with Windows XP and you're trying to install it.

    or if it did come pre-installed with XP, and you have to reinstall it after 2 months, you need to talk to Dell because they f**cked up your machine - or YOU f**cked up your machine.

    Dell is crap, and honestly - you get what you pay for. They use generic no-name parts, for the most part. It's the AOL of PCs. In other words, there are other, much better choices.

    and i assume you're doing a clean install of XP (reformatting and reinstalling)?

  • ilmarine0

    i love my microsoft

    that's it. i restart my machine every once in a while to freshen it up, but this usually happens after every week or so. and this doesn't mean i don't ride her like hell. i do. photoshop and flash and after effects and illustrator all working at one time. no problem. rendering times are high and flash doesn't stumble on a frame.

    on the other hand, i would like to own a mac. they are slick and i love slickness. it would also make my work work on both platforms (of which i'm not 100% sure right now). but since there is no decent mac support in estonia, i'm waiting and upgrading my pc instead.

    i have seen how flash works on macs and heard horrible stories about dv editing, but i'd still like to own one. just for the kicks of it. but, at least right now, i wouldn't trade my pc in for one.

    also i would like mac to take great chunks out of microsoft share. this would take the battle to a whole new levele, and we, the customers, would only profit from it. that's the whole point, isn't it?

    regarding html standards : if programming 100% compliant html would be easy, we would have a lot less work. believe me, the things are getting better. soon ns 4.7 will be out of businees and we will be ok. do you know the trouble behind creating iframes and layers that would work almost as well on all the browsers? there's a lot of it, but is is possible. imagine having to make site ns 3 compliant. once again - it is possible. it makes you tear out you hair, but it is possible. and because we can do it, we have our jobs and can pass the day checking up on NT.

  • unknown0

    they make these BADASS. mice too... i wont go anywher without my intellimouse..

  • unknown0

    I think they are great... If it wasn't for them, IBM and apple would have us all paying through the back teeth for a computer...

    I just bought a laptop with XP on, and it is exellent